I'll start from the beginning, changed oil and washed truck, next day on my way to work about ten miles from home it bucked a couple times threw a ses and then was fine for about 20 miles bucked again, then a few more times in the next 20 miles, I pulled into work and it died there. Had my brother come with my scanner and a cps, changed the cps it started up & ran for about 1 min then lost icp and died, I then changed icp & ipr and still nothing. Then I swapped in a stock hpop that I have, still nothing, then pulled the valve cover and cranked and then saw #4 injector was gushing out the top, thought that was it so i put the SRP1.1 back in, re-oringed #4 to have it pop #4 again, so I swapped in a different injector, it stArted and ran good for about 10-15 min, then ipr duty started to go up and then it died and wouldn't build above 250. I now pulled all injectors and reoringed them (o-rings all looked good) and still won't go above 250 psi on the scanner. And that's where I'm at....