last min charity ride


New member
Apr 12, 2012
Reaction score
warren ri
Rich Villar

Hello Everyone,
I own a shop in Connecticut called Truck Toyz located at 367 Lebanon Ave, Colchester,CT.
We had a family in Salem lose their son in a woodchipper accident a few weeks ago. He was only 6 years old. Very tragic . We are doing a "Convoy for a Cause" to raise money for the family. This Convoy is this Sunday April 29th at 10 a.m and donations are $30.00 per vehicle or more is welcome. We are convoying out to Harkness Memorial Park in Waterford ,CT. I realize this may be short notice but this event is going to be large. We are having an outrageous out pouring of people and companies saying they are sending vehicles. This Convoy is open to anything with wheels.. We also will have police escort.

Hope to see you at this event.

posting for a fellow shop owner ill be attending with other trucks