I've noticed with the latest H&S tune that the shift to 3rd has a long delay before the converter locks up. Like 3-4seconds after shift it'll surge again - pretty sure that's the converter locking up.
Anyone else with the same experience?
Truck is a '12 mfg'd at the end of Jan/earlyFeb '12 and has had no factory updates.
I do have the reverse delay as well if I throw it in reverse right after startup. If I wait for the info screen to boot it does not do the reverse delay.
Do I need to get this thing in for service and get updated or is this in H&Ss latest tune?
Anyone else with the same experience?
Truck is a '12 mfg'd at the end of Jan/earlyFeb '12 and has had no factory updates.
I do have the reverse delay as well if I throw it in reverse right after startup. If I wait for the info screen to boot it does not do the reverse delay.
Do I need to get this thing in for service and get updated or is this in H&Ss latest tune?