lets talk heads

what a mess

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Jul 10, 2012
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rockford il
well my pos black onyx head gaskets made it there 10k miles and blew so here in a month or so im going to be doing head gaskets again so while im in there I was thinking about have in heads mildly ported and polished is that ok if you don't do anything crazy? and what about valve springs and push rods good idea to upgrade them? and if so who do I use? I have 190s with a pmax and a gogo ported intake banks intercooler system rr new mbrp y pipe bd manis no limit cai fuel lab pump and all the supporting mods to go along with it one day I will get a different turbo but for now that's what im rocking so what do you all think about the head work and the different options for vlalve spring and push rods or do I need them or should I have them? and while im in there is I can scratch up the money I might do a new Adrenaline hpop while im in there has anyone installed a new one yet and how did they like it my truck is an 05


Feb 24, 2013
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I'd say yeah on both the springs and push rods. Also I'd look into getting the heads o-ringed.


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Jan 23, 2012
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hendersonville, nc
I agree if you can swing the push rods and springs. And I have RCD springs and push rods.

As for head porting and polishing, if your not doing it yourself be prepared to spend some money. If your doing it yourself, not that complicated as we don't have to worry about the atomization of the fuel, but takes a good bit of time.

When you talk porting your more matching the the opening on the gaskets and feathering it in for a smooth transition. There are good videos from shows like engine power, and you can get kits from jegs and summit.

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