More problems,truck died on test run


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Aug 1, 2014
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******** Ok so I took this thing out today to see how it felt as I had planned on getting it inspected,reg,plated etc.Well when I fired her up I took off it was real slow.I had to go about half* mile to get over 20 mph.I ran to filling station 3 miles kept running headed back all seemed well decided to run back down the rd truck made a jerk &started to feel weak.Drove 1.5 [email protected] drove 1/2 mile started feeling weaker couldn't get her over 30mph small amount of white smoke coming out.
*************** Turned around to head home &could not get it to barley move.Could feel it was about to die.Its an auto put I down shifted to 1st&was able to make it a little further only going a few mph floored.She died my neighbor towed me with his old f100.Im dropping the tank now.Neighrbor said it seemed like it was starved for fuel&that when it runs it any psd he's been around.He's a cummins guy,knows more about diesels in general than me.I've searched & read a lot of guys seem to have this.problem mostly seems to be something in the fuel tank,tps,cps a short or something about a gold* chip...Idk.When we did the fuelpump I thought my buddy dropd the tank but turns out he didn't.
************** So I have my buddy dropping the tank now(I'm stuck in the house do to health)When I crank it the tach dosnt " bounce" around but will raise.I have no cel.A few things that should be noted is the bed light stays on even with key taken out so that makes me wonder about a short.The truck when it does run you have to go a good Ditstance floored to pick up.speed,lastly the throttle / fuel pedal seems to push back or have resistance.Anybody have any ideas wth is.going on? btw the bowl if full & this pump has been super loud ever since install


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Jan 14, 2012
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focus on fuel system for now-- verify pressure, clean system, correct pump operation, no leaks, etc. They will idle with little to no pressure, but won't take a load. They will smoke with no pressure due to poor spray.

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