Thank guys.
Regarding doing the D word, I remember the air, water and soil conditions in the 60s and 70s and never want to see us back there. In addition pros get caught get crucified. Two things I don't want any part of.
If your truck has it, the key is getting it to a dealer that knows what is up. They need to yank the driver's side head, get it on the bench and THEN call the hotline to say," we pulled the head and the stem to guide clearance is too tight. We will be installing a new head.
It does not end there. The tech must relieve the springs and physically check that this new head does not have the same clearance issue as this is not a straight across the board problem, so the new head my or may not have the same clearance issue.
As disturbing as this component quality control issue is, what is more disturbing is how Ford has been handling it. Some are getting year newer trucks plus 200k warranties and others are being left to twist in the wind.