Fuel Delivery Command Signal (blue)
Cylinder Identification (red)
CID goes high to signal the start of revolution one and remains high for the duration of the first revolution, then it goes low for the duration of the second revolution. 75uS (microseconds) after CID goes high, the first FDCS signal arrives, signaling that it is time to turn on injector #1 and it is kept on until FDCS goes low. The next FDCS signal means it is time to turn on injector #2, and so on. The engine firing order is 1-2-7-3-4-5-6-8 with 1-2-7-3 fired during the first rotation and 4-5-6-8 fired during the second rotation, so 1-2-7-3 are fired while CID is high, and 4-5-6-8 while it is low. At some point after the end of firing injector #3, depending on injector pulse width and RPM, CID goes low. 75uS after it goes low, the signal for injector # 4 arrives, followed by 5-6-8. Some time after #8 ends, CID will go high again and the cycle is repeated.