I have never ran a set of cut out flares before. I'd like to run 36" or 37" tires with out lifting a 99-03 7.3. I'd be ok with a leveling kit. Anyone done it before?
Tank has cutout flares, so if your wondering about that he would be the guy to ask. I think your going to rub the springs though. Like a lot of rubbing without a lot of extra back spacing.
See I figured that. I screen shot tanks truck the other day. I love a lot of the things he has done to his. The primary truck I'm looking at is a e99 and he says it's on 35s and is 6'9" to the top of the cab. I'm thinking it's already lifted. What do you think?
Definitely at least leveled. I'm 6'4" myself and I'm about 4-5" under the roof of my truck still, which is stock suspension on 33s. Those tires in the pic probably rub a little on lock.
Just thought I'd add that I have been thinking about cutouts as well. I need to be able to plow but also want a little bigger tires without rubbing. And since I do off-road this may be a safer bet for me as well.
Really the only reason I want to cut the fenders is to stuff more tire in there without lifting it. Looks like the damn leaf springs are going to give me the issues
My truck is currently running 315-75-16s. When ever I have time I'm going to throw my military 36s on and 16.5x9.75s and see if I can get away with it. This truck has no rub issues as of now.