First off I’m not here trash anybody’s product and because of that I would not be posting if I wasn’t out of options, I have been without my truck for two months, I just need my truck! Now on with my problem, I installed a higher volume hpop(actually on the third one, manf has been working with me) to resolve a low pressure condition when towing, truck ran fine otherwise. After the install the motor idles smooth when cold but develops a rough idle when warm similar to a miss, idle speed varies about 80 rpm, and violent enough to shake the truck. Also it is much noisier hot or cold, the whole engine noise tone has changed including the exhaust. The engine used to be nosiest/loudest when idling and would quite up when throttle was applied, now it just gets louder. The truck is a ‘97 California with the stock split shot injectors, 107,000 miles, removed chip to eliminate it as a possible cause. I do have access to a Snap On scanner and have been able to monitor ICP pressures/duty cycles but have found mixed results on what the correct idle pressures should be for a Calif truck, will be receiving a mechanical high pressure gauge later this week to verify pressures. I know most of you have considerably more knowledge of this injection system then me and really hope you guys can give me a direction, thanks for your help.