that damn turbo, what did I get into lol


Active member
Jun 22, 2011
Reaction score
Moore Oklahoma
so my turbo pedestal was leaking, looks like the ebpv was leaking also, so I decide what the hell, I'll pull the turbo and put my new stuff on.
so I start to pull the turbo..........sweet jesus that thing didn't want to come out. broke one bolt on the turbo flange, and those 15mm nuts, man, what a PITA to get off, but they came out finally, thanks to a lowe's 15mm swivel socket.
broke 2 snap on 1/4 drive swivels, broke 1 3/8 snap on swivel, finally got the 4 pedestal bolts out.
the up pipe flange just pulled right off the up pipes, like it wasn't even tight.
broke 2 up pipe to exhaust manifold bolts which was ok, they came out, but one I had to cut out.

so while pulling the turbo, I felt it was time to do my strictly e fuel race set up, so I pulled the whole valley, pump, fuel bowl, etc.

I had a lot of black oil type crap on the drivers side ex manifold so I thought I'd pull it because it might be cracked, so I pulled that, then the passenger side, no cracks looks like it was leaking off something else.
looking up from the bottom looks like the bolts on the back are leaking so I ordered some new ones from strictly diesel.
so I have the
fuel bowl
turbo and mount
up pipes
powersteering pump (was leaking anyways)
powersteering bracket
exhaust manifolds
intake manifolds
all pulled and the hpop and resi coming off next.

I seriously think I should just pull the motor at this point, reseal it and move on, I can't be that far off from having it out lol!

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