mind if I smoke
New member
First off I want to thank all the members and venders on here. If it wasn't for you guys I could have never done this. I finally finished my 6.0 budget build. truck was studded and deleted when I bought it but the guy didn't deck the heads. So we did the heads, sump, pump, r&r, oil cooler, hpop, 180/75 RCD injectors, and a powermax with a ww2. Matt did my tuning and after a fruck on my end we got the truck running like a bat out of hell.
Sadly, when the truck is cold it still runs really rough. The closer I get to running temp the better it gets, but when I first take off in the morning it fells like I'm missing two cylinders. It's bad enough that my girlfriend said it looked like I had hydraulics when she followed me the other night. What could be causing this? We checked all vitals and connections. Any help would be great:bowfast: