What do you guys think?...is it just as/more reliable to run a good custom performance tune made for an unstudded truck as it is stock with ford tuning?
thats an impossible one to answer. stock 6.0's blow head gaskets-so do tuned ones. personally, i love Gearheads SRL tune and have no issues running it on a mostly stock truck. Maintenance and your right foot is what dictates longevity
I think its just as reliable as long as your running a mild performance tune. Not a tune that is made for a studded truck and has timing and fuel turned through the roof and excess cylinder pressure. My dad has an 06 with stock head bolts and 207k miles running an SCT with no issues. We pull heavy with it, its been to the drag strip several times, and its his DD and never puked once. But he's also not running a "race" tune.
Any tuning will increase cylinder pressure which will increase the likely hood of head gasket failure, which already is an issue in the 6.0. It's just a matter of time. This is fact