So my truck, 08 F250, didn't come with upfitter switches. I've heard that some trucks already have to harness behind the dash. Anyone have any pictures or info on how I figure out if I already have to harness. Thanks guys.
There will be a little square plug with 6 wires plugged into the back for your cubby hole, if it doesn't have one the harness with the relays are relative cheap. I put 05-07 switches in my 2001 I just got a pig tail and wired the pigtail into my own relays
When I did the upfitters in my 08 I purchased the switches with the wiring harness/relay pack. My truck and I believe most trucks do not come with the actual harness per say, but there is a stock wire harness plug way the eff up near the firewall and gas pedal that does connect to the purchased upfitter harness.
Would anyone maybe have a picture? I know when I had my center dash cover off there was a lot of unused plugs that were hanging back there. I'm guessing this one would be behind the brake controller/coin cup