wireing question


Well-known member
May 22, 2011
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on the road
Alright, electrical gurus...
2003 excursion, has gearhead tunes, intake, 4" exhaust, a new fuel pump with pre and post pump filter (with stock bowl still in place), and a newish hpop, in other words, basic mods.
I had a wheel bearing assy go out, changed that and the pressure line on the hydoboost.
Now I have an emissions light on the dash. I know its some random info, but that's literally all that been done to this truck. I have checked the grounds, they look good.
Any ideas?

I don't have ae or any scan tools available here, mostly looking for a place to start!
Thanks in advance.


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May 19, 2011
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By emissions light do you mean a Check Engine Light or CEL

Are you sure you did not unplug anything at all in the engine bay? You did the wheel unit bearing assembly. You sure you did not damage or forget to fully plug in the antilock brake sensor if it has one.

Go up to a autoparts store and have them clear the codes. They can do that even if they can not read them all or you can pull the battery cables to clear it. See if it comes back. After that sorry but you will need to have a scanner put on it.

I am thinking something when you did the HPOP. You unplugged a few things to swap it. A sensor could be bad.

It seems you do some work on your engine and truck in general. Its almost mandatory to have a scanner to work on these and easily saves you much more than it costs in time and parts. Get a autoenginuity and be done with it. Its a onetime hit and you can also for small costs have it work beyond basics for any make and model vehicle. Well worth it trust me.


Well-known member
May 22, 2011
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on the road
This would be the little outline of the engine in the lower left on the dash, Tarm. Hpop and everything on the engine was done several months ago, I was listing that work trying to list anything "pertinent".
The light came on afteri changed the wheel bearings and ps line, and i did have the battery and filterbox out. :lookaround::doh:
Guess I better doublecheck myself!
Yes I do most of my own work, and I am realizing that a scantool of some sort is very helpful. I see a lot of guys recommend ae, can anyone point out relative pros and cons, and options out there? I don't earn my living working on vehicles, mostly hobby, but there's no replacement for the right tool!
Any vendors that carry this stuff feel free to add your .02, I prefer to support you guys over the chain stores any day.

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