They are a Major fing pita!! No Bs, you need a tool/jig from ford too hold all the rods in place when you put the case back togather, Trust me its a Pain!! Just helped a Good buddy of mine do it.. an he rebuilds T-5 with his eyes closed in Half an hour kinda thing, 6spd as well..
Btw, I have a Good ZF5 an Transfer case I spotted in a truck at the local junk yard.. I bought it, loaded the truck up took home a stripped Everything I needed too convert My shortbed 4x4 F-150 someday lol Got pedals, drive shafts, harnes's etc.. Took the truck back. btw the truck ran after i wired a different fuel pump up temporarily an I drove it thru all gears.
Whats it worth? I would sale it as Iam thinkin about salein that whole truck..