I'm tired of replacing ball joints. The originals lasted quite a long time. The replacements since then have been terrible. I've been using the Moog grease-able ball joints, but they just keep giving me problems about every 15K-20K miles where I have to replace at least one or more.
So who is having good luck with replacements, and what are you using?
Also trying to find a good replacement other than OEM for a wheel hub assembly. I've got bad wheel bearings, and I'm trying to see if there's anything out there that is cheaper than OEM, but still good quality. If not, then I'll get one from Ford.
So who is having good luck with replacements, and what are you using?
Also trying to find a good replacement other than OEM for a wheel hub assembly. I've got bad wheel bearings, and I'm trying to see if there's anything out there that is cheaper than OEM, but still good quality. If not, then I'll get one from Ford.