ARP vs Extreme Studs


<How I Fly
May 22, 2011
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Rant all you want, but there is a right way and a wrong way to everything and not every shop out there does things the right way. To add to that there may be more than one right or acceptable way, but there are plenty of people out there doing stud jobs that do really shoddy work. And in turn you have issues that stem from that.

When you're talking about a mass produced product that works perfectly fine for most, the common denominator between the ones that fail is most always human error. Don't really care much one way or the other if you don't like that answer, it is what it is take it or leave it.

100% agree.


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Jan 18, 2014
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^^^ tell that to all the guys who have done everything right and they still blew. As time goes on and as more people make more power I think we will see more and more failures

You guys sound just like the ford techs I know that swear by the stock tty bolts. They keep saying it is all about the installation
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<How I Fly
May 22, 2011
Reaction score
^^^ tell that to all the guys who have done everything right and they still blew. As time goes on and as more people make more power I think we will see more and more failures

You guys sound just like the ford techs I know that swear by the stock tty bolts. They keep saying it is all about the installation

ok dude. anyone doing the job just needs to know the machine work was on par. that eliminates that variable. thats what eric was saying. and dont tell me i sound like a ford tech.


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Jan 18, 2014
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Just saying I know plenty of guys that did it all right and it still blew... to come back and reply to that saying it is all about the installation and then agreeing 100% does not make much sense to me.

It is funny to me that someone selling an "upgrade" to the standard ARP stud would support the notion that the only issue with anyone that blew their gaskets with standard ARPs was the installation process?


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May 18, 2011
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Montgomery TX
Just saying I know plenty of guys that did it all right and it still blew... to come back and reply to that saying it is all about the installation and then agreeing 100% does not make much sense to me.

It is funny to me that someone selling an "upgrade" to the standard ARP stud would support the notion that the only issue with anyone that blew their gaskets with standard ARPs was the installation process?

You have a thick skull and piss poor comprehension, of that I'm 110% sure of.


<How I Fly
May 22, 2011
Reaction score
Just saying I know plenty of guys that did it all right and it still blew... to come back and reply to that saying it is all about the installation and then agreeing 100% does not make much sense to me.

It is funny to me that someone selling an "upgrade" to the standard ARP stud would support the notion that the only issue with anyone that blew their gaskets with standard ARPs was the installation process?

what i am saying is that either way, with arp or extreme, the machine process is vital. and i never said that is the only issue. i think the arp's get brittle quicker thru heat cycles and will not hold the cylinder pressure that a h-13 stud will. be it timing, boost, or backpressure. i sell the extreme studs on one simple principle, material, thats it. i'm not gonna assume something about every stud job because i'm selling an "upgrade" ,but i'm glad what i say is funny to you, whoever you are.


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Jan 18, 2014
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I agree machine and prep work is vital... I agree there is a right/better way and a worse/wrong way. But every time someone does EVERYTHING right and it sill fails everyone jumps on and says they did something wrong. Instead of finding a better solution and trying to innovate to make a better product for everyone. Most people quote the famous... There are tons of gusy making 1000hp on stock OEMs and standard ARPs when that is not usually the truth of the matter (I have spoken with many of those guys)

IMO better products are needed to help out the 6.0 community. But every time some says something like that everyone jumps and speaks out against them and states its all in the prep work.

Bash me all you like. I stated opinions about why better products are needed and once again people jump on and stated that it is all about the prep work/ machine work that does not seem to plague the other platforms.


<How I Fly
May 22, 2011
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I agree machine and prep work is vital... I agree there is a right/better way and a worse/wrong way. But every time someone does EVERYTHING right and it sill fails everyone jumps on and says they did something wrong. Instead of finding a better solution and trying to innovate to make a better product for everyone. Most people quote the famous... There are tons of gusy making 1000hp on stock OEMs and standard ARPs when that is not usually the truth of the matter (I have spoken with many of those guys)

IMO better products are needed to help out the 6.0 community. But every time some says something like that everyone jumps and speaks out against them and states its all in the prep work.

Bash me all you like. I stated opinions about why better products are needed and once again people jump on and stated that it is all about the prep work/ machine work that does not seem to plague the other platforms.

i agree with most, but please do expand on this statement:

There are tons of gusy making 1000hp on stock OEMs and standard ARPs when that is not usually the truth of the matter (I have spoken with many of those guys)

i would love to know who these guys are. theres a good chance if you can name more than 1, i know them all personally.


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Jan 18, 2014
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Most people quote the famous... There are tons of gusy making 1000hp on stock OEMs and standard ARPs when that is not usually the truth of the matter (

I said that is the famous quotes that people say... I did not mean that there are tons of guys making 1000hp. But I know plenty of guys making descent power and most of them will tell you that they can make good power for short periods of time on OEM gaskets and standard ARP studs... but that it will not last long term. Many of those guys pull their heads off and change out the gasket every season. I was simply stating that everyone quoting that guys have made 1000hp on oem gaskets and standard ARPs is misleading.


<How I Fly
May 22, 2011
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I said that is the famous quotes that people say... I did not mean that there are tons of guys making 1000hp. But I know plenty of guys making descent power and most of them will tell you that they can make good power for short periods of time on OEM gaskets and standard ARP studs... but that it will not last long term. Many of those guys pull their heads off and change out the gasket every season. I was simply stating that everyone quoting that guys have made 1000hp on oem gaskets and standard ARPs is misleading.

agreed. hence my love for h-13 material. i know the high hp guys, they need something better than the ARP, and with the loss of a-1, there is a market. thats why i'm involved. and the 1-2 guys that really have made 1000 , or even close, all push coolant , often with arps. i think you have the right idea, but you're defensive and need to know the people you are going back and forth with know the arp's are a weak point. there are other variables but the stud is a consistent one. as well i dont want to mislead anyone into thinking the arp's in their 500hp truck are now gonna blow. i have a local shop that does more stud jobs than any other shop i know of. they are switching to extreme so we will see going forward their thoughts.


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Aug 15, 2011
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imo this is just yet another internet hype fest.

let some miles get put on these extreme studs before any amazing statements are made. i understand marketing etc and i understand logic/theory.

nothing beats real world data.

Yep! Anyone remember MTW? LOL


<How I Fly
May 22, 2011
Reaction score
Yep! Anyone remember MTW? LOL

uh .. ok ? studs are simple. material, threads, and lube. they either hold or dont. studs are possibly the most simple part of any engine re assembly. how comfortable do you want to feel ?


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Aug 15, 2011
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uh .. ok ? studs are simple. material, threads, and lube. they either hold or dont. suds are possibly the most simple part of any engine re assembly. how confortable do you want to feel ?

Right and I understand that its not a fair comparison but its kind of the same. When MTW came on the scene everyone went nuts over them before they were proven and a couple months later it bit a lot of people hard. The same things happened in the duramax world quite a few times and I'm sure its happened quite a few times in the powerstroke world too. Don't get me wrong, I'm not bashing the product but people should give them some time before claiming that they are the best thing ever and are better than ARP's.


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Jan 18, 2014
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LOL Ok... Typical forum drama.

New guy has new idea... gets bashed and called names... politely asks why... and the answer is the same as the original bashes with no explanation.

Oh Well... Continue on :shrug:


<How I Fly
May 22, 2011
Reaction score
Right and I understand that its not a fair comparison but its kind of the same. When MTW came on the scene everyone went nuts over them before they were proven and a couple months later it bit a lot of people hard. The same things happened in the duramax world quite a few times and I'm sure its happened quite a few times in the powerstroke world too. Don't get me wrong, I'm not bashing the product but people should give them some time before claiming that they are the best thing ever and are better than ARP's.

again, this isnt turbos. this is better material with a torque spec. its isnt rocket science, but thanks for the input.


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May 18, 2011
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Montgomery TX
LOL Ok... Typical forum drama.

New guy has new idea... gets bashed and called names... politely asks why... and the answer is the same as the original bashes with no explanation.

Oh Well... Continue on :shrug:

I'm not bashing you, but you don't seem to grasp a simple concept. A product that is mass produced is the same as every other one made before or after it. Only difference is who installed it. You don't seem to get that, its going over your head. You want more explanation for something that doesn't need it. Then cop an attitude when the answer isn't to your liking. I can no more make you like the answer than I can make you understand it, I'm done derailing so have at it.


<How I Fly
May 22, 2011
Reaction score
I'm not bashing you, but you don't seem to grasp a simple concept. A product that is mass produced is the same as every other one made before or after it. Only difference is who installed it. You don't seem to get that, its going over your head. You want more explanation for something that doesn't need it. Then cop an attitude when the answer isn't to your liking. I can no more make you like the answer than I can make you understand it, I'm done derailing so have at it.

to me it's simple, this thread has a title. in regards to that, one material is more resilient and less prone to stretch. thats it!

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