Recent content by powerstroke6.4

  1. powerstroke6.4

    Flo pro exhaust to short?

    I just installed the flo pro 5 in on my truck the end of last year. The only thing I cut was the tailpipe after the rear tire. I only did it for the exhaust tip I put on. Other than that I didnt cut anywhere else. Are you sure it was a kit for the Ford trucks? Mine fit perfectly on a CCSB.
  2. powerstroke6.4

    obd testing

    Ok thanks for the info. I appreciate it.
  3. powerstroke6.4

    obd testing

    Ok thanks. Where I am moving to, they have safety and obd testing so I wanted to make sure that if I deleted my egr system they wouldnt be able to detect it being gone.
  4. powerstroke6.4

    obd testing

  5. powerstroke6.4

    obd testing

    What all can an emmissions test at the obd port find? I dont have to deal with it right now because I live in Alaska so I dont know. I want to get rid of the egr system but I dont know if an obd test will pick that up. Thanks in advance.
  6. powerstroke6.4

    hope mills nc emmissions?

    Thanks man I appreciate it.
  7. powerstroke6.4

    hope mills nc emmissions?

    Anybody know what goes on with emmisions testing on a 6.4 powerstroke? Right now I have a 5 in straight exhaust with plans on the egr before i move down there in august. Any help would be appreciated.
  8. powerstroke6.4

    Mechanical vs Digital Gauges

    Can you get the backlights in different colors other than factory with the isspros?
  9. powerstroke6.4

    Please help, dealer screwing with me big time

    Man thats crazy when i bought mine it took 2500 miles before the first regen occurred. I thought it had issues but then it finally went into regen. Good luck with the third egt sensor. Before you round it out you can clip the wires to get a box end wrench on it. If your tuner requires the...
  10. powerstroke6.4

    EMERGENCY: WOT sends me into Reduced Power Mode

    So i just deleted my truck a couple weeks ago and the last egt sensor sucked. I ended up clipping the wires to get a box end on it along with a cheater bar and it gave pretty quick. I then spliced the wires back and knock on wood but still no issues. You could give that a try if you haven't...
  11. powerstroke6.4


    Congrats on your second child. Everything went well with our third but sleepless nights are worse than i remember them to be haha. Im kind of curious about that too.
  12. powerstroke6.4

    not your normal tuning question

    Ye that was basically what i was going to do. I was just curious how that would work out. Thanks to everyone for your pm's i appreciate the help on this.
  13. powerstroke6.4

    not your normal tuning question

    Thats what i was curious about and it seems like as soon as a tuner goes on sale on here its gone before i can get on here to see it. Like i said though the dpf r would only be there for the deletes.
  14. powerstroke6.4

    not your normal tuning question

    I was planning on buying a dpf r for the dpf and egr delete and stacking it with a h&s mini maxx. I was curious with that setup if i could buy a non delete capable mini maxx and still run gearhead tuning seeing as that it is almost impossible to find delete capable tuners anymore.
  15. powerstroke6.4

    iso 6.4 dpf delete tuner

    Like the title says looking for a cheap Dpf delete tuner for now.

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