7.3 no revs >2450 rpm & blue smoke?


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Jan 14, 2012
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Update, Performance Diesel said it will be mid December before they can get my truck in.

In the meantime, I installed a new CPS (RiffRaff) and did the IDM (100/75K) mod. Both mods made a noticeable difference in how smooth the idle is now and no more slight miss BS. The best part is, the stumbling/flat spot is almost gone. It also has a little better throttle response.

My IDM had moisture and about a tablespoon of water inside. Doing the mod allowed me to take care of the moisture and make sure it will NOT be leaking again.

I had my wife rev it while I was in front listening. I think I can see a small whiff of blue smoke when it does a small stumble at ~2500 between the engine and firewall. I think the up pipes are leaking. It now will rev over 3000 rpm.

So, up pipes?, engine scan at Performance Diesel in December and custom 54 gl fuel tank and eFuel in the spring.

Thanks for everyone's time.

Come to think of it, have you looked to see that the square oring between the turbo and the Y intake (under the vband clamp) is still there? On my OBS when I first got it, it was sitting in the valley. Big pressure loss if gone and easy to check.


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Jan 14, 2012
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The company was Donlen Fleet Management Services. Apparently a Hert owned company.

Donlen is a fleet management company that helps fleets get nationwide deals with big maintenance companies and manage themselves, but they do not do maintenance. The company that owns the truck is still responsible for having the work done.

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