I would think 65 after subtracting atmospheric would be plenty safe with upgraded springs
So in case I don't like this setup, I'm looking for a 76 atmo just FYI. New or used.
Edit: hope to have the truck back this week!
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68 on the mini maxx is fine. just keep it below 70 unless you are using an analog gauge because the factory senor maxxes out at 72
float a valve or have a valve hit the piston. Can you float valves in a diesel like you can in a gasser?
It's my understanding that floating a valve is due to too much pressure and valve piston contact can result from valve float OR not enough clearance to begin with. Valve float can be controlled via the gates and boost. However if there's not enough clearance from the get go you will have contact. Contact can even come from rpm but that is a side effect from not having enough spring pressure to return the valve fast enough
We won't float a valve. I have way to many guages hanging off the wipers and IDS in cab to monitor everything. Summit needs to hurry up with the fittings and we will be roasting some grapplers
Lol I bet people are like wtf when they see it. Maybe that's way all videos are at night lol.
FWIW - the shop that did my motor work installed Pistons and then decked them flat with the heads, or something like that, to prevent piston/valve contact. I was going to have them cut but I didn't think I was going this high of a hp build. Oh well.
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Drake isn't using the mini max. Just didn't want to float a valve
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float a valve or have a valve hit the piston. Can you float valves in a diesel like you can in a gasser?
It's my understanding that floating a valve is due to too much pressure and valve piston contact can result from valve float OR not enough clearance to begin with. Valve float can be controlled via the gates and boost. However if there's not enough clearance from the get go you will have contact. Contact can even come from rpm but that is a side effect from not having enough spring pressure to return the valve fast enough
Well obviously you didn't die, who the hell would have sent the message??
I think once you get a chance to ride in this bish you will learn to deal with the whistle lol
I'll just leave this here lol
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Videos or it didn't happenoke: