The H&S Motorsports Prize Game

Jan 19, 2015
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I am going to be starting a new prize giveaway game that gets people involved, rewards forum members, keeps things interesting and hopefully creates some good clean fun.

Each giveaway will be different and hopefully makes it fair for everyone. I realize we don't build parts for some of the older trucks but there will be plenty of prizes to be had by all that are not vehicle specific.

All prizes will be on me and out of my own pocket so please be considerate if you're hoping for a turbo kit and the prize of the week is T-shirt. Remember, this is supposed to be fun for everyone.

That being said, let's get this game going.

The first giveaway will be in lieu of Fathers Day. Let's hear your favorite experience or memory you have had with your dad. Everyone that shares an experience will be entered into a drawing that will happen on Monday the 22nd. Anyone that can post a picture of you and your dad together will get a double entry. The prize this week will be a swag pack that includes a hat, shirt and stickers.

I realize that not everyone has had an experience worth remembering with your father so you are more than welcome to share a memorable experience you remember with a grandfather, uncle, brother, son, etc......

Ready, go!


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Nov 11, 2014
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Best memory I have:
My family was always big into outdoors, hunting and fishing. We was at a local lake, Indian Creek, fishing for schooling bass. There was a lot of boats there and the parking lot was full of trucks and boat trailers. When we was trying to leave, a guy with his truck and trailer was trying to cut off my dad and jump in line to leave ( everyone was trying to leave at one time). My dad stepped on the gas so he wouldn't cut us off and the guy rolled his window down and started cussin him and flipped him the bird. My dad threw it in park, went rip the guy out of his truck and beat the piss out of him. I didn't know what to do, and when he jumped back in the truck, leaving the guy laying on the ground, he said DO NOT tell your mom I did that or you'll be next lol. I was about 8 years old. I thought my dad was superman.


Jul 10, 2014
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Rockisland County IL
I will follow suit with ^^^ and remember one of the coolest things I have seen at the time is when I shot my first coon ( with a mighty 410 ) and dropped it out of tree then the thing was trying to crawl away to the creek and the olman jumped on the bi#ch and started punching it in the face till it quit moving lol I have it rugged out on the wall. Awsome time! And good thread.


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Aug 27, 2012
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From left to right: My uncle, me(Jonny), father,cousin, and grandfather......together a few weeks ago for the first time at my fathers new ranch in Leakey TX. My grandpa can't get around very well or climb into a stand and is diabetic, so we took him around the place in the truck and hunted for arrowheads instead. That was his first time out there and I hope plenty more opportunites pop up to take him. :)


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May 2, 2015
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Long Island, NY
I am going to follow these awesome stories, but unfortunately I have nothing to contribute as my Father chose not to stay around for my family and he split when I left for Basic training back in '02... Just makes me the man that I am today, and the father that I will be to my own children someday will be 10x the one that I wish I had.

To all of the fathers here, Happy Father's Day in advance. Please remember that you are the most important influence in your son/daughter's life from birth, and they will love you no matter how busy your life can get. They appreciate you and all that you do for them. For every time you miss dinner, a play, a game, or whatever it may be- it will all be ok in the end, so just be thankful that you have one another. For those of you in law enforcement like me, you know what this means.

Fathers- Thank God for everyday because time flies and then before you know it your children are all grown up and too busy to even call you, but just remember the love will never change.
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May 18, 2011
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Mingo, Ohio
The summer of 2003 - I had just finished up my junior year in college and was preparing to head into my senior year that fall. I had went to an out of state college to somewhat distance myself from being able to rely on my family - it was a decision that I had made so I knew I could stand by myself on my own two feet and make it in this world. This distance had actually helped my relationship with my dad - time and distance apart made us much better when we were together. I had been coming home every summer and continuing to work on the farm as well as have an internship or job off the farm (we did custom hay work as well as worked with dairy cattle so summer was usually very busy), but for the summer of 2003 I had elected to come home and just work on the farm and do some projects that I haven't had time to do as a kind of relaxing last summer before I was tossed into the real world of having some sort of full time job. Dad and I worked together quite a bit that summer making hay as well as on a couple of antique tractors - we even made a cross country trip to go to a very elite antique tractor auction where we picked up a couple of real gems to bring home and tinker with - it was honestly the best summer I ever remember having with my dad.... unfortunately it was also my last.... he passed away unexpectedly in November of that year. I am blessed that fate made me a little selfish that summer and allowed me to spend that extra time with him and make the memories that we did.

Random picture of us discussing the activities for the day at some point during that summer.
Jan 19, 2015
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The summer of 2003 - I had just finished up my junior year in college and was preparing to head into my senior year that fall. I had went to an out of state college to somewhat distance myself from being able to rely on my family - it was a decision that I had made so I knew I could stand by myself on my own two feet and make it in this world. This distance had actually helped my relationship with my dad - time and distance apart made us much better when we were together. I had been coming home every summer and continuing to work on the farm as well as have an internship or job off the farm (we did custom hay work as well as worked with dairy cattle so summer was usually very busy), but for the summer of 2003 I had elected to come home and just work on the farm and do some projects that I haven't had time to do as a kind of relaxing last summer before I was tossed into the real world of having some sort of full time job. Dad and I worked together quite a bit that summer making hay as well as on a couple of antique tractors - we even made a cross country trip to go to a very elite antique tractor auction where we picked up a couple of real gems to bring home and tinker with - it was honestly the best summer I ever remember having with my dad.... unfortunately it was also my last.... he passed away unexpectedly in November of that year. I am blessed that fate made me a little selfish that summer and allowed me to spend that extra time with him and make the memories that we did.

Random picture of us discussing the activities for the day at some point during that summer.

Sometimes we take times like that for granted. Good to see that you were able to spend some good time with him before he passed.
Jan 19, 2015
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Congratulations StrokinDuty on winning this weeks game! Shoot me a PM with your name, address, shirt size and large or small hat preference.


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Jan 19, 2015
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Game #2

This weeks game will be for a $50 gift certificate towards H&S Motorsports product.

We all like a little friendly competition so let's see pictures of your truck at the track, hooked to a sled or on the dyno.

Three tickets will be thrown into the hat for anyone that can pull off a "triple crown" and post pictures of your truck doing all three.


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Jan 19, 2015
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I guess I should post something of my own truck. This was a couple of days ago and the only picture of a Ford I have unfortunately.


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