Hey, CSI: Go Fu<k yourself! You're a PUTZ! :flipa: LOL
I was, in fact, looking for info prior to the actual install. "96stacked&smoken" pointed me to a link here on PSA (or at least he said he had seen something on here, so I searched). I had already pulled mine apart, and already had purchased the pump online, awhile ago. I was certain that it would go, but I just wanted to check a few details, if possible.
Furthermore, there's no need to post a bunch of PICS or a detailed install here on PSA, as somebody has already detailed-out the whole thing. Mine was essentially the same. I did post a couple of pic's on PSN, because I searched there and came up with nothing. And, "Tank" asked for a couple of specific pictures.
I must say, though, it is rather intresting how some can jump to a conclusion about somebody's motives for posting or asking something.
Also interesting how some people are so convinced that something is "not worth doing", or "every one i've ever seen said was a pain in the a$$", or...whatever, even though they've never attempted it personally (yea, i'm talking about you CSI). You've never done it, you've probably never actually SEEN it done (in person), and yet you have a comment about it. Simply amazing.
To "96stacked&smoken": again, thanks for the direction to the search. It helped.
To "CSI": You're worthless...At least that's what I heard from somebody who had heard it from somebody.

oke: Oh, and thanks for YOUR help on this. One last thing: judging by the number of posts you have since your join date, and the number of my posts (having only joined two months later): if you spent as much time talking actually WORKING on Powerstrokes as you do online TALKING about them, you'd be fu<king Powerstroke Master Mechanic! LOL