Recent content by sootie

  1. sootie

    6.4 Trans wiring help

    I did it once with an H&S tuner. Flashed the normal tune then put it in recovery mode and forced a manual flash on it from the canned files on the card.
  2. sootie

    6.4 Trans wiring help

    Have the ECM flashed to a manual calibration.
  3. sootie

    Engine Quit While Driving > Now Crank No Start > Detailed Write Up Below

    If you didn't flush or replace all the fuel lines prior to installing the new fuel pump, that trash probably wiped out all the new components after it ran for a short time.
  4. sootie

    DEF in the fuel tank of 2013 F250 6.7

  5. sootie

    100k, runs like crap

    stupid question but is the air filter plugged
  6. sootie

    F250 rust

    oh and killer price? I think you're onto something will either kill you from financial stress or tetanus - not sure which will come first.
  7. sootie

    F250 rust

    Frame wont be bent out, the visual is strictly body rot. Hard to beat experience lol lol
  8. sootie

    Golf ball pistons

    But then again, someone has to be first, right? You don't know what you don't know?
  9. sootie

    F-250 to F-550

    I guess it depends what your plans for a body are
  10. sootie

    H&S TPMS Module for 6.4

    Not worth anything as you can make the changes for free with Forscan
  11. sootie

    Tuning 101 - Thread Merged with Injector Posts

    Maybe in the special Olympics...
  12. sootie

    2015 blown 6r140 transmission

    That plus on the 15+ units the direct cmitch count was reduced.
  13. sootie

    2015 blown 6r140 transmission

    Correct. Don't forget to replace the trans cooler on the frame rail at the same time. (one thing i havent tried yet but would love to experiment is the TC from a current High Output truck. I hear that is the main difference in the power rating.)
  14. sootie

    2015 blown 6r140 transmission

    Aside from bolt pattern on the TC, any 6R140 trans will work. If staying stock, grab a 13-14 model trans.
  15. sootie

    Corrupt minimax files?

    its nothing to do with the tuning, i can assure you. Figure out the mechanical problem with your truck.

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