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  1. Arisley

    Blower motor fuse

  2. Arisley

    Low Compression

    Low fuel pressure could be bad for injectors.
  3. Arisley

    Early 99 7.3 who has the best chip/tunes

    It will work, you will get soft codes for AIH. It should also make your cruise control light work. Tony Wildman supports early '99 tunes, on the early '99 PCM.
  4. Arisley

    Time to replace battery cables.

    Good thing about Walmart batteries, it's pretty easy to find a Walmart, no matter where you are.
  5. Arisley

    Tell tell signs of early 99 sd and later sd's

    The later early '99 had the door emblem. Actually, I thought the cutoff for early and late was sometime in December of '98. If it has the fender emblem, it is absolutely an early 99. At least the fender is an early 99. Early 99 also has a smaller turbo.
  6. Arisley

    7.3 OBS Build Advice - 400 HP Goal

    I would not o-ring a daily driver at all. Heard of way more issues than not. It's not just overkill, it is a complete waste of money to boot. For your goals, I would e-fuel it. Put superduty parts on the top, head studs, a set of small good hybrids, an adrenaline HPOP, take the money you...
  7. Arisley

    Dana 60 srw to drw conversion

    In my truck I once carried two pallet of sod, it was wet and weighed at least 2500 lbs. per pallet. Truck handles it fine. I once loaded it with over a yard of pea gravel, right at 4000 lbs., truck handles it no sweat. While I never worried about the axles, I was a little concerned about the...
  8. Arisley

    Crank, No Start

    The USB cable that runs between the computer and the OBD module.
  9. Arisley

    Crank, No Start

    Those cables can be bought anywhere, even at Walmart.
  10. Arisley

    2001 7.3 4x4 issues

    After it sits for a couple of days, pull the plug on the HPOP reservoir and dip a small screwdriver in there, I bet it is empty.
  11. Arisley

    Crank, No Start

    Do yourself a favor and replace the PCm and IDM relays under the hood. I always kept a spare in my glovebox.
  12. Arisley

    7.3 been sitting

    I would drain it and use the old stuff for weed killer, but you can put it back in your tank a bit at a time. On the brakes, if they are seized, they are seized in the open position, jack up the truck, spin the tire and have someone hit the brake, check them that way. I let my truck sit for...
  13. Arisley

    7.3 been sitting

    Fresh fuel.
  14. Arisley

    The 400rwhp Excursion Project

    Before even thinking about PIS injectors, read this thread. Not saying anything bad about them, just sayin'.
  15. Arisley

    The 400rwhp Excursion Project

    6637 is a much better filter.
  16. Arisley

    White smoke issue, cant figure it out.

    I had 250/250 that hazed when cold. In the winter, they made the air flammable for a few minutes. After warm up, they ran clean as a whistle unless I was in my higher tunes or got under the turbo.
  17. Arisley

    No wts light

    Someone must have broke into your truck last night and replaced the bulb. Probably Berman.
  18. Arisley

    what are some good wheels for 44 boggers?

    Carry lots of spare parts. Including a spare car to get home in. Reliable, as in it works great until something breaks.
  19. Arisley

    Dual Terminator HPOP low oil pressure issue

    You need to use these whenever you plug something with a rag or a paper towel.
  20. Arisley

    7.3 Radiator -2002

    Drill it out and replace it with a fitting.

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