I'm at work right now so can't check anything, but I wouldn't think that a bad glow plug relay or glow plugs would cause such an issue in the summer time. It was almost 70 degrees this morning. And I've had it fire up in the winter before with a bad glow plug relay. When it cranks, it's like it almost wants to fire but won't. Cranks fast. Didn't pay attention if the tach moved or not. Can't find the cable for the laptop to check with AE. I thought maybe my IDM, but if I'm getting the white smoke, it's obviously commanding fuel. Wonder if my Adrenaline pump is having issues? Like I said it did have some blue smoke on start up that went away, which I never had before in the summer time. Didn't blow any smoke on the way home either, ran great. I was getting ready to install an Irate fuel system this weekend, looks like that's getting put on the back burner now, till I figure this out.