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  1. ghohouston

    Wastegate E clip

    I think they're $130 ish from Ford at cost
  2. ghohouston

    Tips to loosen fan?

    All good advice. But I'd bet money you will have that fan off more than once in your ownership, and to me, that is well worth buying an air hammer and fan clutch wrench. Iirc its 47mm. You're talking having the fan off in under a minute, vs fighting it for God knows how long.
  3. ghohouston

    OBS Bench Seat to Captain's Chairs questions

    I think single cab/crew cabs are the same, and extended cabs are a different mounting style. The single/crew cans use a floor pan. Can't speak for sure on the extended cabs.
  4. ghohouston

    Rough Idle and Shake

    Bad injector. Need to put a good scanner on it and run a cylinder contribution test.
  5. ghohouston

    01 7.3 Platinum Build List.

    They actually had gasser versions as well. There have always been quite a few of the platinums here in Texas, mostly 7.3's though
  6. ghohouston

    cps 10mm bracket bolt

    7.3 fan clutch has regular threads. Counter clockwise=left loosy, clockwise=righty tighty
  7. ghohouston

    Problems Being Del***d in Texas

    Lots of guys running trucks that way here, I'm sure if you're obnoxiously smoking, you might get a ticket, but doubtful.
  8. ghohouston

    What turbo do I have?

    No. Cut out your ebpv valve, and pop 2 freeze plugs in. I think actually, if you cut the valve shaft enough, you can leave the bottom plug thats already there, and only need to get 1 freeze plug. Or it's the top one that can stay, been too lomg since I've done one.
  9. ghohouston

    What turbo do I have? The link you posted won't open for me. This is a e99 ****** pedestal, but shows out of stock.
  10. ghohouston

    What turbo do I have?

    Early 99 van turbo. Those "lines" if you will, around the compressor housing, are only present on e99 and obs turbo's. You can also tell by the 2" intake plenums, vs the later style had 3".
  11. ghohouston

    Anybody used this specific tool?

    Air hammer x3!
  12. ghohouston

    sudden RPM increase rough iddle

    Also, and i doubt it's your issue, but check to make sure all ficm plugs are fully seated, and all injector plugs are too.
  13. ghohouston

    sudden RPM increase rough iddle

    Agreed! Could have also gotten trash to an injector during hpop replacement.
  14. ghohouston

    Improper tuning???

    If tunes are good, kind of sounds like maybe an injector not fully seated or a copper washer issue.
  15. ghohouston

    Frame mounted nerf/step bars.

    Every manufactured set I've ever seen bolted to the cab, on the back side of the pinch weld iirc. Not saying they don't exist though. Might have to build a set.
  16. ghohouston

    Draw Straw Not sure why this wouldn't work, although it doesn't show to fit... sending unit is supposed to be excellent quality as well.
  17. ghohouston

    97 7.3 Noisy inside csb

    Sound deadener
  18. ghohouston

    No ICP pressure

    Were the srp's the pumps sending all the metal through hpoil systems?
  19. ghohouston

    WTB core hpop

    For what engine?
  20. ghohouston

    Cracked block and Block fill questions

    Drill a hole at each end of the crack and weld it?

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