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  1. Gary

    Truck just died.

    You could have a fuel gelling problem, diesel fuel can gel at 17*F. If you think that could have happened just add some fuel treatment for de-gelling.
  2. Gary

    Truck just died.

    Usually they never warn you that they're going to break down, they just quit.
  3. Gary

    Turbo Removal

    Use a good 6 point 10mm socket, a little valve grind compound will help the socket bit better, then I use a flex handle snap on 1/4 ratchet and I slide a piece of small pipe over it so I can get the most leverage possible, most times that works well. If it's still to tight then I'll drive the...
  4. Gary

    Truck just died.

    I'd check FICM voltage first, you should see 46-48 volts, <45 is no good. The only way to properly check fuel pressure is with a gauge.
  5. Gary

    coolant In Oil !

    If you have coolant in your oil, the oil will look like a chocolate shake.
  6. Gary

    How many miles after flush before new cooler?

    There is no way to answer that question with out knowing what the inside of your cooling system looks like before and after using chemicals to clean it. Most of those cooling system chemicals are "snake oil" and are absolutely useless. I had a M.I.T. PhD review the MSDS sheets for the popular...
  7. Gary

    turbo help

    Look at your EBP sensor voltage and PSI readings KOEO and WOT.
  8. Gary

    heater issue....

    Like Billy said first. Then IIRC 96 and 97 originally came with a sightly lower temp T-stat than a 95, and the 95 T-stat will not work in the 96 and 97 engine. I bought a 203* T-stat from a online source and it work well year round. So changing the T-stat would be next on my list.
  9. Gary


    I was thinking the reading was at a idle, so your prefect with 23% at a idle.
  10. Gary

    P0266 but no miss

    Did you have the code before you installed these injectors? If not then your wiring is good and you probably need to talk to warren.
  11. Gary

    P0266 but no miss

    Were they Motorcraft?
  12. Gary

    P0266 but no miss

    P0266 is a problem with the coils on the injector, could be a connection or wire problem but most time it need a new injector.
  13. Gary

    best way to clean soot out of air filter

    ^^^^LOLLOLLOLLOL, Replace the air filter and repair the exhaust leak.
  14. Gary


    If your oil was up to temperature when you read that IPR reading @ 35% you have a HPO leak. You should see 23% IPR.
  15. Gary

    6.0 Starts then Dies

    I'd check the connectors on the FICM and make sure their snapped in. Then you said "reprogrammed and FICM, PCM, all that good stuff" so what exactly was done to the FICM and PCM, and what is the good stuff?
  16. Gary

    Camshaft position sensor

    CMP sensors don't fail often. It's right behind the power steering pump and you can't even see it, I've done them on a lift and was able to reach back there and do it by braille with the PS pump in place, maybe if you get the PS pump out of the way it probably be easier. Just done break it off...
  17. Gary

    Best stock 6.0 injectors for the $

    So whats different between a VCM and IDS?
  18. Gary

    Blowing fuse for lights

    The most common cause of electrical problems is wiring that someone/aftermarket did.
  19. Gary

    I'm stumped on a 03 no start

    Well, All the data your posting up looks good, at this point I think that you should try a known good FICM, if that doesn't work I'd go to those 1/2 price injectors.
  20. Gary

    I'm stumped on a 03 no start

    One thing that did seem maybe off was that the ICP stays at around 100psi while off and it will hold that pressure even for a few days of truck sitting, this is also verified by mechanical gauge that it is holding pressure. ^^ That kind of odd, where are you reading ICP from? the ICP port by...

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