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  1. Bugman

    Glowshift gauges any good?

    I have a set of ISSPRO egt and boost and they are still going strong after 23 years. I did have to replace the pyro probe 2 years ago Sent from my SM-J737V using Tapatalk
  2. Bugman

    No right blinker...HELP

    Start looking for a burned out bulb, even on the side lights.
  3. Bugman

    Coolant temp guage gremlin

    There are also 2 temperatures sensors on the 7.3 One is for the gauge located on the top of the water pump and one for the light which is located on the right front of the engine Sent from my SM-J737V using Tapatalk
  4. Bugman

    Optimal tow setup

    400 I believe you would be fine, but keeping up with a 6.7 would be the question Sent from my SM-J737V using Tapatalk
  5. Bugman

    Optimal tow setup

    For reliability I wouldn't even try it. Sent from my SM-J737V using Tapatalk
  6. Bugman

    2017 Reciever hitch question

    Drilling holes in frames from the bottom up is related to a female dog. A trick that I learned if you have to do it is to use a floor jack to put the upwards pressure on the drill. If you dont have a floor jack a bottle jack will work but you may have to figure out how to keep the jack on...
  7. Bugman

    OBS burning oil.

    As long as you keep the oil level up and perhaps change the filter a few times you should be fine. Sent from my SM-J737V using Tapatalk
  8. Bugman

    Red vs. Green Fuel

    Odds are that the farmers are running fuel out of their fuel tanks that they have on the farm, and you never know what kind of crud is in those tanks. Much less when or how often they change the filters on them. That is if they even have filters on the tank Sent from my SM-J737V using Tapatalk
  9. Bugman

    Coolant temp guage gremlin

    It sounds like a weird enough problem to be a ground issue. Did you use pipe dope or teflon tape on the new sensor? You can also try adding a jumper from the negative post on the battery to the sender Sent from my SM-J737V using Tapatalk
  10. Bugman

    Coolant temp guage gremlin

    Then it may be the gauge in the dash itself. Didn't you say that your ISPPRO did the same thing?
  11. Bugman

    Coolant temp guage gremlin

    I'd try another sender if it doesn't do anything when the wire is disconnected.
  12. Bugman

    Coolant temp guage gremlin

    That's a strange one. I have a 203 degree thermostat in mine and it runs between the R and M on the stock dash gauge. Usually if a gauge pegs it is a solid ground on the wire between the sender and the gauge. What happens if you pull the wire off of the sender and then start the engine?
  13. Bugman

    What's up with my blinker!?!?

    Can you hear the flasher unit clicking or put your hand on it and feel it to see if it is working. If you can't hear or feel it then I would suspect the multi function switch on the column.
  14. Bugman

    Coolant temp guage gremlin

    You are not mistaking the engine oil temperature sender for the coolant temperature sender are you? I only have one port for the coolant temperature sender on top of the water pump. There is another one down lower on the right side of the block for the warning light.
  15. Bugman

    I have no idea what's wrong

    First thing to do is to remove the chip and see if the problem persists Sent from my SM-J737V using Tapatalk
  16. Bugman

    High voltage at battery

    Unless you purchase new the rebuilt Motorcraft ones are just as bad Sent from my SM-J737V using Tapatalk
  17. Bugman

    Trailer Question

    I'd check the wiring on the plug for the trailer. Sound like the battery charge wire and the trailer brake wire is swapped Sent from my SM-J737V using Tapatalk
  18. Bugman

    10.25 swap

    That will defiantly cause a problem
  19. Bugman

    10.25 swap

    What did the axle come out of that you used on the swap?
  20. Bugman

    Battery Light Never Comes On

    Here is the wiring diagram for the charging system for our trucks.

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