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  1. D

    Homemade van turbo adapter

    A buck thirty. I own a CNC lathe, and I could easily program the part. Then there is a small amount of milling/drilling. A hunk of material, and the time....the $130 is cheap.
  2. D

    Proof why no one needs 100% nozzles on 160cc injectors

    Does this hold true for only the 160/30 reman's?
  3. D

    How much oil is normal to burn between oil changes?

    I just did a compression check on mine. high 380, low 365....New injectors from PIS. Just completed a 1600 mile trip from Mpls to Ellensburg WA. When I left, I topped the oil has 2500 on the oil....When I arrive, I check the oil, down two qts. That's 1qt/800 miles. Doesn't seem to be...
  4. D

    Need help ASAP, 7.3 Compression Test Adapter

    It's just threading some parts together. M10 ORB x 1/8 FPT, 12" grease whip (1/8 MPT each end), and a pipe connector to adapt to your compression tester. Like $25 all in.
  5. D

    Need help ASAP, 7.3 Compression Test Adapter

    M10 ORB fitting, grease whip.
  6. D

    Need a 4R100 (stockish) cheap

    Ford reman
  7. D

    PHP Hydra alternative - if any

    You guys are looking at it from your point of view....look at it from Dyno Proven's view. I'm not saying it's right or wrong, but I bet there was some thought put into the decision. That's all I'm saying.
  8. D

    Honing question on good engine Manufacturers Recommendation: Hastings: 240 grit Akerly & Childs (Ductile Iron): 240-280 grit Akerly & Childs (Moly): 400 grit Perfect Circle (Ductile Iron): 240-280 grit Perfect Circle (Moly): 400 grit Sealed...
  9. D

    PHP Hydra alternative - if any

    Think about it for a minute....right now EVERYBODY is fighting to tune on the Hydra platform. I don't know the number of Hydra's sold, but let's say it's 5000. Now you have, what, 10 companies fighting over 5000 potential customers? And some of the 5000 are just happy to load some PHP tunes and...
  10. D

    School me on a Baro sensor/Tech specs

    As I understand it, and could easily be wrong, is that the baro sensor is inside the PCM. The MAP on the other hand is mounted just above the heater box (on SD's). One of the tuners that posts here will give you the real true info though.
  11. D

    need a guru to - Check My Math - please

    I would like to hang a turbo on my 3 cyl Kubota tractor.
  12. D

    PHP Hydra alternative - if any

    So is that the F8 chip from Moates and the EX Remote switcher? Dude, you're on to something there! Then you have it plugged into? Moates has the F8 Destiny using something similar?
  13. D

    DP-Tuner F6 tunes

    Thanks for the nice chat Jason....look forward to a new tune!
  14. D

    DP-Tuner F6 tunes

    Got time for a phone call then....?
  15. D

    DP-Tuner F6 tunes

    So the tune I'm running(F6) has had some tweaks to trans pressures. Would you like some logs of mph, EPC, Throttle position, rpm to see what has been done? It might help....or maybe you prefer to work your magic?
  16. D

    DP-Tuner F6 tunes

    How long does getting a tune take, on average?
  17. D

    Question on multiple tuners and chips

    Curtis....They are all the same hex code. The recommended hex code for PMT2 is VRAA6S3. So it's "normal" for the truck to stall when switching from 00 to another position? I do have stock programed in at 01. Thanks...was just wondering
  18. D

    Question on multiple tuners and chips

    So I have a question concerning the Hydra. My box code is PMT2, I log onto PHP's server see all the choices under VRAA6S3...pick out like 5. Stock, high idle a couple of DD's and some Tow's. When I start the truck in the bypass, position 00, everything is fine. Back out of the drive, get going...
  19. D

    Injector cup question

    3 weeks....That should be plenty of time.
  20. D

    Injector cup question

    I would remove the cups before they went to the hot tank.

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