I have been reading garret turbo tech all mourning and trying verify if I am getting this stuff right. If someone could just do a quick check to see if I am at least reading the formulas right and plugging in the right data(ballpark).
Flow = HP * A/F ratio * BSFC/60
Flow = 300 * 22 * .38/60
flow = 41.8 lbs/min to get 300hp
MAP = (flow * R * temp) / (VE * rpm/2 * displacement)
MAPr = (42 * 639.6 * 610) / (.85 * 3000/2 * 445)
MAP required = 28.9 PSI
I then added ~2psi for cooler/manifold inefficiency to 31psi
and then
P.ratio = MAP / atmo = 31 / 13.5 = ~2.3
So for a target 300hp @ 3000rpm at just above sea level with 1 psi intake loss and 2psi cooler/manifold loss
I should need to move 42 lbs/min at 2.3 pressure ratio(~16.5lbs of boost)
Am I at least in the ball park???
Any guidance much appreciated!
Thanks, Noah
Flow = HP * A/F ratio * BSFC/60
Flow = 300 * 22 * .38/60
flow = 41.8 lbs/min to get 300hp
MAP = (flow * R * temp) / (VE * rpm/2 * displacement)
MAPr = (42 * 639.6 * 610) / (.85 * 3000/2 * 445)
MAP required = 28.9 PSI
I then added ~2psi for cooler/manifold inefficiency to 31psi
and then
P.ratio = MAP / atmo = 31 / 13.5 = ~2.3
So for a target 300hp @ 3000rpm at just above sea level with 1 psi intake loss and 2psi cooler/manifold loss
I should need to move 42 lbs/min at 2.3 pressure ratio(~16.5lbs of boost)
Am I at least in the ball park???
Any guidance much appreciated!
Thanks, Noah