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  1. powerlifter405

    Modified Direct solenoid 5R110

    You still got this?
  2. powerlifter405

    man i love this autoenginuity

    how do the two compare?
  3. powerlifter405

    rotella t6 5w40

    I noticed my 7.3 and 6.0 would start easier and run a bit quietier on syn vs dino oil, regardless of brand. The 7.3 regardless of syn brand would get louder as the miles wore on. Oil analysis at 10k always said it was good but I changed it and it was quieter again. My 6.0 hates dino in the...
  4. powerlifter405

    Blown HG, o-ringed and studs...

    Hopefully you get some good follow up news. Yeah, I've read that a few guys w/ the ability/shop will do a few heat cycles, pull the cab and retorque. I didn't have that luxury so I did incremental to 250ftlbs then did 2 more rounds. The 2nd go around I got a hair more turn before it clicked...
  5. powerlifter405

    Maybe opening a can of worms but.......

    Several companies received fines approaching $1 million. The EPA did state they are in the business of "inducing social change." I'd still believe it but I read it in one of their speeches. Hooray for gov intervention....... Don't forget to get your vaccine... IDP, GH and Quick Trick are...
  6. powerlifter405

    Blown HG, o-ringed and studs...

    170ftlbs? Just thinking out loud but if ARP says to torque to 210fts on their newest set of instructions with their new assembly lube, 170 is a less clamping force compared to 210. ARP has been around for several decades, literally the oldest specialized high performance automotive fastener...
  7. powerlifter405

    KC Turbos 6.4 turbo testing

    Great progress. Any updates? And EGTs? My 6.4 w/ I de pee hot tunes was a Hotttt basturd at WOT
  8. powerlifter405

    GT4094R water cooling

    FM but I'm a little late to this party... If i'm hearing you right, you run a single 4094 on your 6.4? I found two 6.4's in my area cheap so I'm thinking I need a new toy.
  9. powerlifter405

    Concerns Updating Tunes For Newer SCT Device

    Call SCt they might be able to better answer your question, but call 1st thing in the morning if you can get them to answer. I had some issues w/ my tuner freezing and locking the truck. At one point I was on hold for over 2 hours to be "next in line" and the system hung up on me, twice...
  10. powerlifter405

    2005 f250 rear end rebuild

    How are you sure U-joints are good? Do you have play in the pinion? Have you inspected the ring gear, the bearings etc? If you've changed the oil you can take off the bearing caps and give them a quick once over. If you're going to "rebuild" the rear end then you'll need to make sure you...
  11. powerlifter405

    KC Turbos 6.4 turbo testing

    I have a KC in my 05, and Charlie is the shiznit when it comes to customer service. I had a few hiccups and even on a sunday night, he answered his phone and had a replacement in the mail the next day, arrived 2 days later. I've wanted to go back to a 6fo simply for the ridiculously capable...
  12. powerlifter405

    Brake issue

    checking slide pins is cheap and easy. I had a brand new caliper that wouldn't brake properly. All said and done, there was a large burr that kept the slide pins from fully compressing. Literally, a quick blip w/ a drill bit and the slide pin hole was cleaned up. But as others are saying...
  13. powerlifter405

    2005 f250 rear end rebuild

    Have you checked your ujoints? I had an 99 that did that only at certain speeds and only under acceleration. When I did the R&R, one cup was completely dry and the needle bearings had turned to powder.
  14. powerlifter405

    Converter slip

    OP, if you're unaware Mark knows his way around the 5R110 quite well. I don't want to speak for him but if memory serves me right, he has helped designed some transmissions for Ford. I got my X-plan pin# from him in 2001 off forddiesel dot com when Mark still worked for Ford. Pick his brain...
  15. powerlifter405

    A few questions.

    Don't forget to replace the tracbar ball joint. That's a bitch, and you're almost better off having a shop tackle it if the price is right. The factory steering gear is lack luster. There is a 2016 upgrade option but you'll have to search here and PS dot org for that one. I redid all my...
  16. powerlifter405

    Fox 2.0 vs bilstein 5100

    Had both. Now have adjustable Ranchos, and I think their are so much better. It took a little fiddling to find my preference but I'm running 4-5 in front and 2 in the rear. Great soft ride compared to before. I turn them up when trailering.
  17. powerlifter405

    JTR Cap 218HT Home Pro audio sub

    Still available if any audiophiles are interested. Thanks
  18. powerlifter405

    Looking for upgrade advice

    I've never used his gear but I read a lot of positive about his tuning, injectors and CS. I have quick tricks as my DD and I'm happy but I have considered Warren for the future.
  19. powerlifter405

    New Bell BASB Turbo

    I've read that the Pius turbos are the bee's knees. If this is the one I'm thinking of, it will perform.

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