Concerns Updating Tunes For Newer SCT Device


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Jul 1, 2012
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Hello all,

I've had a collection of tunes for my 6.0 for years now. Been very happy with what I have and generally run Matt's. I use an OLD SCT X3, pre "XP" serial numbered so it only holds 3 custom tunes. Last time I messed with it one slot seemed to have been corrupted and so it now holds 2 tunes. It makes changing them a bit of a bear. I'd like to update the tuner to get 10 slots (or 20 with a BDX...). I wish I would have done this a few years ago.

My concern is getting my tunes updated for a new tuner. Am I going to run into trouble where "things" will get changed beyond just updating for a new device serial number? Tunes are Matt's, Vivian's, and TSD if it makes any difference.


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Aug 7, 2011
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Butt Town
Call SCt they might be able to better answer your question, but call 1st thing in the morning if you can get them to answer. I had some issues w/ my tuner freezing and locking the truck. At one point I was on hold for over 2 hours to be "next in line" and the system hung up on me, twice.

Once I finally got someone on the line they did some diagnostics on my tuner, you need to have some apps downloaded for them to do this, etc..

It's a PIA but good luck. I dread dealing w/ anything SCT again just due to the horrible wait times. For a race vehicle maybe but for a DD I'm hesitant to do any more tuning via the SCT.

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