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    6.7 CFD turbo kit frustration

    If these "others" really are family members.. don't the realize they are just stirring the pot that much more? lol
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    6.7 CFD turbo kit frustration

    Well, I will say that Justin has told me personally that he is no fabricator and admits that. He also hasn't denied any of the images I've posted as work that came from his shop. I've been asked to hold off on copying and pasting the e-mails I received tonight until he has time to respond and...
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    6.7 CFD turbo kit frustration like I stated in the first place, a product of CFD.. not a prototype.. it went to a paying customer which obviously wasn't happy about the situation.
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    6.7 CFD turbo kit frustration

    Before you answer that... Why would your "son" replace the kit if it wasn't on a customer's truck?
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    6.7 CFD turbo kit frustration

    So.. this.. Was a prototype that wasn't installed on this customer's truck and it didn't leave the shop as prototypes typically don't leave? Looks to be installed on a truck.. the guy posting looks to be the shop...
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    6.7 CFD turbo kit frustration

    So.. now the pictures of this setup.. which there are a good few.. Are all just of a prototype and not something that was installed on a customer's truck? How do you know so many people since you are never on the forums Justin's "father"? Lol
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    6.7 CFD turbo kit frustration

    Tell me.. why does your "son" claim that work like this and the images of it are not his work but just edited bs? You clearly just stated that it left Justin's shop. Thanks again for making things crystal clear.
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    6.7 CFD turbo kit frustration

    No worries... still going strong However.. it did go from getting 700 likes in just a couple days to only a few likes an hour.. perhaps its slowing down?
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    6.7 CFD turbo kit frustration

    Now that I'm caught up.. how does that lifetime warranty work? Is that the life of the truck or CFD? I have a strange feeling that the truck will outlast the business. So here in a few weeks when this lifetime warranty 1000hp engine scatters.. and your business has closed up shop...
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    6.7 CFD turbo kit frustration

    I was also threatened with legal action for using their trademarked name.. new facebook page address... please let everyone know. Thanks
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    6.7 CFD turbo kit frustration

    So... So I received an e-mail from Justin describing why I was banned from his (cfd) facebook page and why my comments had been removed... "I was informed by our fb admin you made a post on our lets remember cover photo for 911 memorial. The post would be very upsetting to survivors and if we...
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    6.7 CFD turbo kit frustration

    Hey guys... Just wanted to put this out there. I am the one who created the CFD-Fail FB page... I am in no way, shape, or form, competition for them. I am not a shop owner or anything of the sort. I'm an average guy that thought it was BS that a legit company could get away with something...

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