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  1. slickfoot


    Ya as far as high hp goes i doubt i will be doing anything crazy crazy need to look into options be a daily driver so im not going to go full retard on it haha. Dpf small others that ill have to figure out along the way!
  2. slickfoot


    something like this?
  3. slickfoot


    Well what do you guys recommend? read nothing but good reviews for black diamond.. and reading some other forums the black diamond gaskets are the exact same as OEM only with a different color of sealant. anyone know anything else on this??
  4. slickfoot


    Guess its time to start tear down anyway,going to order gasket kit as well as studs from black diamond diesel and i guess i go from there!! :) Time to get greasy!
  5. slickfoot


    Yup checked the push rods and rockers. Actually replaced the rocketed cause they were pretty mashed week a couple of them were. Seemed to remedy the problem for a short time then the noise came back.
  6. slickfoot


    Ya buddy thought it was valve train because he popped open the air filter box and could hear it popping back through the air intake and could not hear it at exhaust end so thats how he came to that conclusion anyhow. Oh well if cracked piston i guess it's a bigger treat down than i thought haha
  7. slickfoot


    ??? Meaning?
  8. slickfoot


    so here it is i have a video i tried to record the noise my 08 f250 was making don't know if you can hear on the youtube vid or not but here is the link. any help would be appreciated had a friend somewhat diagnose it as a bad intake valve..?? any help...
  9. slickfoot

    New from the great white north!

    Hey Guys new here from Saskatoon Canada. Have a 2008 F250 bare stock picked it up a while ago having problems... boo have a link to the noise its making project has been put on the backburner for a while now with new fam member and a house but looking to tackle it now!!

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