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  1. R

    new power stroke owner with problems

    Is there a way to check visably the injectors like for orings or cracked caseing..any info or manual test would help thanx
  2. R

    new power stroke owner with problems

    I am using a cheap obd scanner off amazon thats a androd i realy cant do much with it...only thing that throws me off is y would it be running fine n thw hpop goes bad n u would think i put a new on in and it bleeds out n starts i ran an air test threw it all n i realy dont...
  3. R

    new power stroke owner with problems

    no start 6.0 Hey i put in a new hpop in my 06 f350 6.0. Cuz it went bad while driving down the road...agter installing a new hpop n a new ipr valve the truck still wont pertty sure the air is bled out of it...icp volts is .39 key on engine off witch is sompost to be .25. I donno if...
  4. R

    new power stroke owner with problems

    Hey everyone im new to these kinds of sights also i bought a 2006 6.0l diesel. I was driving down the interstate n the wrench light came on and it seemd like it was in limp mode.I pulled over n looked up on the internet n ppl said bring it right to the dealer well i turn the truck off n when i...

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