new power stroke owner with problems


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Aug 6, 2016
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Hey everyone im new to these kinds of sights also i bought a 2006 6.0l diesel. I was driving down the interstate n the wrench light came on and it seemd like it was in limp mode.I pulled over n looked up on the internet n ppl said bring it right to the dealer well i turn the truck off n when i started back up light was off n truck was runing i went back to town grab some tools for a job i was doin n refuel up n headed back on the interstate..also i was pulling a skidsterr both times..well 15min driving at 70mph the truck was reving up n down so i started to move to the off ramp n when i got to 30mph it turned off n would not start back it home tryed puttng battery charger on it cuz they died after 5 different long cranking times trying to start it..i notice i was low on oil about 4qrts..towed truck home n took the turbo off cuz the ipr was coverd in lil metal peaces..took hpop plate off n found that the back side of the pump was rubbed threw the hpop casting nothing damaged on the engine that i could see but the pump was i bought a new rebuilt from ford n a new ipr from advance n put it back together the truck doesnt want to start turns over n after aboit 3 turns the oil pressure shows n then it sounds like its gonna start but never does...its like almost firing but 1 or 2 injectors are keeping it from starting...bit the only thing throws me off is that it was runinh fine the pump went out n it died werd noise or im like is the pump was a different problem or did it take out injectors at sake time or did turbo blow out to? If i try to spray lil starting fliud it sounds like it wants to hydro lock ...spraying dont help just sounds ICP is at .39 volts engine off key on. And while cranking i get 1.6volts. I tryed unplugging it still no start...i clean egr out..IPR shows 45percent while cranking...ficum shows .47 volts all also looks like smoke wants to come out from the intake rather the exsuast...anyone can help me out with this please do...ive always had cummins but i love the ford style of the cab n lockers for the truck so this is my first ford diesel n i want to keep it just need to get it back up n runinh sence its how i make my living...thanx


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Aug 6, 2016
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no start 6.0

Hey i put in a new hpop in my 06 f350 6.0. Cuz it went bad while driving down the road...agter installing a new hpop n a new ipr valve the truck still wont pertty sure the air is bled out of it...icp volts is .39 key on engine off witch is sompost to be .25. I donno if thats bad or not....can somone help me out here n assit me with info..u can txt me at 2624847175 wants to start it almost starts up but doesnt it like somthing stoping it


Well-known member
Oct 3, 2012
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i would bet your injectors have issues. what kind of a scanner or monitor are you using?


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Aug 6, 2016
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I am using a cheap obd scanner off amazon thats a androd i realy cant do much with it...only thing that throws me off is y would it be running fine n thw hpop goes bad n u would think i put a new on in and it bleeds out n starts i ran an air test threw it all n i realy dont here nothing other than lil air sound like buolding up over n over n i dont know if its slipping by the injector orings or wat..doesnt sound like its coming form the hpop where they say lil air will about the pull the air rails off n check orings on injectors


New member
Aug 6, 2016
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Is there a way to check visably the injectors like for orings or cracked caseing..any info or manual test would help thanx

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