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Pre-orders going to have a SOTF set up on them?
SOTF will not release with the pre-orders.
Pre-orders going to have a SOTF set up on them?
Pre-orders going to have a SOTF set up on them?
What is soft? Is that mcc with h&s?
Ok thanks lol the whole time I been wondering what are they talking about this soft stuff haha
Still waiting for the N-Dash units correct?
Got mine ordered today!
You would know!Glad to hear it. I'm certain it will be worth the wait.
It will likely be a couple of months before they are ready for the later applications.
So it will be a couple months before the NDASH for the 15's get shipped out?
Yes. I would expect it to be early 2016 before nDash units ship with new software.
Anyone on a schedule should look at the nGauge unit. It's 90% of the functionality, couple hundred bucks cheaper and takes up less space. The main benefit of nDash is the extra screen for additional monitoring.
A buddy of mine pre ordered a NDASH is it possible to switch the preorder to a NGAUGE?
When will the NGAUGES ship?
Sure, he can call sales and switch the order any time. We are waiting on a software update for gauge functionality (fixing a faulty boost monitor PID and couple others) and the first batch is on its way out, early to middle of next week. More devices arriving soon, but it will take us a couple of weeks to catch up on Pre-orders.
Soon to enjoy it,once it shows up at my house!We've had several questions concerning how the 2015 transmissions are holding up to higher tunes, and thought I'd give you a guys an update.
As I mentioned before, we smoked the trans in my 2015 F350 SRW during testing a few weeks ago, due to the weaker C35R clutch in 2015MY+.
I've spent 3 entire days now working on the 4-5 upshift (yes, on one damn shift :moronsfor 2015/2016 files, and have made a LOT of progress. We started with a 4-5 shift that was taking 780milliseconds to complete (which is slow, and was burning clutches) and dropped that to 360- which is quicker than stock, even under 600HP worth of load. I can't say that the 15 trans is totally bulletproof at this point, but it is greatly improved from where we were at a month ago. I personally feel much better about these files going out, and have no hesitation saying that the casual racer shouldn't have any problems out of these calibrations and the 15MY hardware.
Edit to add- getting the clutch apply time down to appropriate levels also got rid of that wretched 4-5 upshift "squeak" associated with the clutch slippage. I hated that damn squeak, may it rest in hell :flipa: