We have actually considered trying this, but time hasn't permitted. The biggest issue is the size difference. It won't actually fit in a standard pillar pod, but I'm sure with a little fabrication it could be made to look really clean while also still allowing for easy removal of the micro SD.
When do you think you'll have the exhaust brake figured out?
I'll let Matt chime in on that.
In tow haul on the 500 enhanced tune mine seems to work? Pulling a empty tandem axle 20 foot open trailer, when hitting the brakes and the truck would downshift and boost would be around 9-10psi and ebp would be 12-17psi. Seems pretty decent just having an empty trailer behind me..
I finally put my traction bars on, what a difference that made as well with the shifting. The truck just plain hooks up now and under full throttle the shifts are so crisp they feel better than stock. The more I drive the ******* tunes the more I like the truck. I'm hoping to run against a buddy's SCT tuned '15 in the next couple weeks.
Can't wait to see the Ndash !
Hard to keep my sct if sotf work good !
did your work for more then a few seconds? Mine would cut out after a few seconds
Are you guys working on supporting cab & chassis models?
now that is customer service! respect!If you would like, drop me the hardware part number from your PCM (should be on a white sticker on the PCM mounted to the firewall in the engine compartment, something like "FC3A-12B646-BA" or something similar) in my PM inbox and I'll take a look at supporting it.
We don't currently have it ready, but with customer interest it's something I could knock out in a week or two, with the relevant information provided.
Any updates for sotf? How much will sotf cost at a later date? Has anyone order from rudy's diesel? Can wait any longer just trying see who the best dealer is that will ship to AK?
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