Jeremy @ No Limit
New member
Just ordered weight reduction parts and the ngauge+cts2 :redspotdance: Now i just have to patiently wait for them to get here and sotf to be released
Just ordered weight reduction parts and the ngauge+cts2 :redspotdance: Now i just have to patiently wait for them to get here and sotf to be released
Is anyone running this tuning along with a CCV reroute? I have a reroute ready to install but wanted to make sure I won't have any issues pop up.
Is anyone running this tuning along with a CCV reroute? I have a reroute ready to install but wanted to make sure I won't have any issues pop up.
Tunes are good to go with the reroute (trouble codes already taken care of)
Matt, any idea why I would be getting the 2074 dtc with v1.1 tunes?
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This thread has a lot of useless post to jumble through , is there a cliff notes version anywhere?
Everything is correct except you don't need the splitter. Tune with nGauge, unplug, plug in CTS2.550 RWHP and 600 RWHP files.
NGauge available, NDash not available until possibly after June.
It IS possible to use NGauge to tune and CTS2 to monitor; have to use a splitter
SOTF not available yet.
Nobody has any complaints.
This is what I have gotten from reading almost all the pages. Somebody correct me if Im wrong.
Took a quick glance at the files, and it looks like I turned off 2 of 3 possible instances.
I'll add the third to the next update (I'll be releasing v1.2 with a few more shifting tweaks in the near future, along with 1.1 for 2013/2014)
Splitter is needed if you want to use both simultaneously I believe
CTS2 doesn't work very well yet with the 16s. I would not have hopes of depending on this as monitor if you have a 16.