2 questions dip stick adapter and camshaft

Jul 8, 2011
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Central CA Foothills
I have a couple of useful comments:

1 Swamps list a welded in steel dipstick adapter on the build list for a long block 7.3. wonder if they sell it for diy install (pan off of course)

2 In the context of sh** that happens in the real world of repairing a wide range of diesel equipment over the years, this whole dipstick adapter leak deal is way over thought. I have dropped the dang thing in the pan twice on one truck. Retrieved it both times and got it together leak free. I don't bother with slobbering sealant all over the place. I just cleaned it up (pan on) and used a nice soft Caterpillar silicone yellow o-ring on it. The last several actually. No repeat leaks.

3 The only repeat leak I actually ran into turned out to be the seal between the dipstick and the pot metal (NOT ALUMINUM) dipstick adapter. Vibration over the years had worn a groove where the small o-ring that goes on the tube is supposed to seal in the bore of the adapter. For this I filled the o-ring area on the tube with Right Stuff. No leaks 50,000 miles later.

Whooops that was 3 useful thoughts.....


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Jan 29, 2012
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on the road
thanks to everyone for the hints and suggestions. lots of info on dipstick fixes and only one comment on cams. kinda interesting, thought there would be more experience out there.


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Jun 23, 2011
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Ive never got one of those apaet and it wasnt distorted. Its a garbage part. I put mine together with grey death but goobering crap all over isnt the right way..


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Jun 23, 2011
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Pm me some details, I'm always interested in a different process.

He said there are ten different ways to do it...

In a mig he said there is a copper sodium wire that will weld the two, miller has a process for their tig setups that is caught between a weld and a braze and is the seal weld to which he was referring. One can also use three different welds of different compositions. First you lay a weld on the steel, then a weld is done on the aluminum with a different filler material, then a third pass will connect the other two.

And I quote "none of those should be difficult for a real welding shop to figure out"


Well-known member
May 22, 2011
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on the road
He said there are ten different ways to do it...

In a mig he said there is a copper sodium wire that will weld the two, miller has a process for their tig setups that is caught between a weld and a braze and is the seal weld to which he was referring. One can also use three different welds of different compositions. First you lay a weld on the steel, then a weld is done on the aluminum with a different filler material, then a third pass will connect the other two.

And I quote "none of those should be difficult for a real welding shop to figure out"

Interesting. Makes sense.

As far as "a real welding shop", lol. Field hand. Contractors have all this technology at hand, and still the guy in the field gets a 30 yr old machine and an aircooled tig torch.
At the house, I'm set up pretty good, but not really a dedicated weld shop.
I'll have to talk to my weld supplier, see what he can get me, as far as the wire you are referring to.


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Jun 23, 2011
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I dont know what exactly his comment meant. He has been running this shop for almost over 20 years. And his guys are all trade welders. He has a pipeline/fitter that welded for 50 years and looks like jesus. Idk. Thats all they do. He may have gave me that answer being a cokc towards me. He has to try to outmanly me LOL

Im certified in several positions and processes but im not a welder per se. Take it for what its worth. But he does know his shti!!

Interesting tidbit...he bought a brand new obs 7.3 in 97 and two weeks off the floor it was torn apart and installed a whole banks powerpack (all that was around back then). In fact they used his truck to sort of test the shebang. Then he ran ac/30s and had an electric fuel system. 420hp was a huge deal back then lol.


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Jun 23, 2011
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Hey now! Im not prejudice, Ive gad red and green tractors.

FIL just got a 3033 Tuesday. New drive over deck and easy connect 3 point hitch. The loader is nice. Traded the 03 w/deck, loader, and tiller plus 20,500... :eek: its getting ***kin expensive to mow grass and push snow :doh:

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