Update. We decided to replace the HPOP since it wouldn't hold pressure constantly and would drop off and had a few leaks. Dropped in a T-500 and resealed the fuel bowl.
Pulled and inspected all push rods and rocker arms, all in good shape. Fired the truck up and engine is running smoother and little quitter but the tap/noise is still there.
The noise isn't as noticeable in the engine bay now though and more underneath around the trans. I took a video but couldn't load it.
With the inspection cover off and engine running, you can see the torque converter spinning smooth and the adapter on the crank the same. Did notice the flex plate had a little movement to it and when pressing the accelerator, it smoothed out even though the noise would get louder. Suspecting at this time its the a cracked flex plate. I had a spare from a parts motor but after cleaning it up noticed it is cracked as well. He does have a pretty good leak on his up-pipes so I suggested he go ahead and order a set of bellowed pipes and when my buddy has time for me to use his shop, we would drop the trans and inspect the flex plate and install the up pipes.
As soon as we get it figured out I will post back. Thanks for all the help guys