2015 PIP tune issues


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Mar 1, 2015
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I just made a slow-motion video of my gauges from a dead standstill straight to the floorboard the truck doesn't even start to make boost until it hits 1700 RPM it's making 1 pound of boost and then by the time it makes 10# of boost it's at 2700 RPMs. But I will say once it comes on its on. But I feel like I could drink a 12oz red bull waiting on it to get moving

charles henson

In the Brig (Banned)
Sep 23, 2014
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Rolmfao you guys love to take jabs at me for simply telling it like it is,are you democrats & just live in a dream world where everyone sugarcoats stuff for you because i'm not willy wonka.
My truck is my dd and it will turn the tires if it's just started raining & the oils on the road otherwise it'll turn one turn one maybe two revolutions (dry road )but if i activate my locker spe full lock equipted it will not turn them at all.I assume your telling me with a cai,tune & dpf back exhaust that this is a monster of a truck & i should be happy.I am sorry but apparently my standards are far higher then yours.


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May 18, 2011
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Get off that Superchips crap, delete it and you'll see what they can do.
Mine will do rolling burnouts on dry pavement.
Last edited:
Jun 8, 2013
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San Antonio Tx
So will mine... Until the traction control kicks on lol... Loosens the converter once it spins past 35mph.. Over revs the truck at 4200 and I just sit there and say ***.


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Aug 27, 2012
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Rolmfao you guys love to take jabs at me for simply telling it like it is,are you democrats & just live in a dream world where everyone sugarcoats stuff for you because i'm not willy wonka.
My truck is my dd and it will turn the tires if it's just started raining & the oils on the road otherwise it'll turn one turn one maybe two revolutions (dry road )but if i activate my locker spe full lock equipted it will not turn them at all.I assume your telling me with a cai,tune & dpf back exhaust that this is a monster of a truck & i should be happy.I am sorry but apparently my standards are far higher then yours.

I lost brain cells reading that horsesh!t
Mar 7, 2014
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Central Illinois
Rolmfao you guys love to take jabs at me for simply telling it like it is,are you democrats & just live in a dream world where everyone sugarcoats stuff for you because i'm not willy wonka.
My truck is my dd and it will turn the tires if it's just started raining & the oils on the road otherwise it'll turn one turn one maybe two revolutions (dry road )but if i activate my locker spe full lock equipted it will not turn them at all.I assume your telling me with a cai,tune & dpf back exhaust that this is a monster of a truck & i should be happy.I am sorry but apparently my standards are far higher then yours.

Alright, I think I speak for everyone on this one.... Your negativity towards the 6.7s, your vocabulary and run on sentences that rival that of a 6 year old, and your overall lack of value added contribution to the forum really gets old. I doubt I’m the only one, but I’m tired of reading all your garbage on here. It constantly derails the threads and typically causes arguments with others in one way or another. Of course you are entitled to post your opinions, that’s what this place is for and we all do it. But all you are is a broken record when it comes to the 2015 6.7s and your opinion really gets irritating as we all already know where you stand. We get it. You don’t like your 6.7 and think it’s a turd. Do us all a favor and go back to owning your unbeatable F150 that we've all heard so much about. Then we wouldn’t have to listen to you whine anymore and can go add some "valuable comments" to an F150 forum of your choice. You are not helping the OP in any way shape or form to diagnose what he has going on. Give some of the guys on here a chance to actually help the guy out. People who have more to say than "I run Super chips on my truck and the 6.7s are all turds". Quick mucking up the thread. Hopefully you can actually comprehend a paragraph that actually uses punctuation....


Active member
May 18, 2011
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So will mine... Until the traction control kicks on lol... Loosens the converter once it spins past 35mph.. Over revs the truck at 4200 and I just sit there and say ***.

Hold the traction control button down for 8 seconds until the dash says Advance Trac Off. Now you can have some fun.

Jelly Role

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Jul 18, 2014
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South of Heaven
Alright, I think I speak for everyone on this one.... Your negativity towards the 6.7s, your vocabulary and run on sentences that rival that of a 6 year old, and your overall lack of value added contribution to the forum really gets old.

......and you're barking about his run-on sentences and punctuation? Might want to back down the boost on ol Chuck there, kid.
Mar 7, 2014
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Central Illinois
......and you're barking about his run-on sentences and punctuation? Might want to back down the boost on ol Chuck there, kid.

......and you're barking about his run-on sentences and punctuation? Might want to back down the boost on ol Chuck there, kid.

I by no means claim that I am a grammar expert....However, you would be wrong in your statement that what I wrote was a run on sentence. I can't believe I'm even going to defend myself about this as its not about the grammar. My whole point of bringing up Charles was to mention that he brings nothing value added to the table and to not derail the thread any further. Much like what you just did. But here it goes...

Proper use of commas in an x,y, and z sentence:
In other words, listing multiple items in a single sentence. If you have multiple items listed in a sentence, always put commas between the items you are listing.

Actual definition of x,y, and z with examples:
Put commas between items in a list. When giving a short and simple list of things in a sentence, the last comma (right before the conjunction–usually and or or) is optional, but it is never wrong. If the items in the list are longer and more complicated, you should always place a final comma before the conjunction.
EITHER: You can buy life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness in Los Angeles.
OR: You can buy life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness in Los Angeles.
BUT ALWAYS: A good student listens to his teachers without yawning, reads once in a while, and writes papers before they are due.

Sorry to everyone who wasted time reading all this:pint:

charles henson

In the Brig (Banned)
Sep 23, 2014
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:pullover: oh snap it's the grammar patrol faggot & his deputies again,but seriously,to those trying to help i appreciate it.The rest can kiss my ass.
What exactly is the big deal about superchip anyway?The truck does have noticeably more power since i installed it so :p,but on the other side of the coin its constantly in regen(hence why im looking into a delete tune ).I push and hold the traction control but all it ever does is:pullover: say traction control off,maybe it has something to do with that & i will try again,but its nothing like my last fords where you hold it 8sec & it's good heck i've probably held it a minute.