The beauty of waste gates. They can be dialed in.Nothing, just work on getting that gate dialed in a bit better.
The beauty of waste gates. They can be dialed in.
So I slacken it off to achieve less BP ???
Also got another issue now. Just went to pick my son up from school and this turbo is howl'n it tits off. As soon as you hit it all the way through.
That is worrisome, I think. My truck will squeal and howl when it's cold and the EBPV is closed but will quiet down as the oil/truck warms up. It's fall there, correct? What kind of temps are you seeing when this occurs?Yeh i know but this is ridiculous. Its not the normal whistle from the 38R its a howling wind noise. When I took it for the WOT runs both myself and my wife commented on how quiet the turbo was. This howling noise only came on when at full tilt. Then after the 2 runs I noticed it was coming on right from the get go, Now that last trip has confirmed it. I will try and find my video recorded cause if this is the case that wheel is coming out.
That is worrisome, I think. My truck will squeal and howl when it's cold and the EBPV is closed but will quiet down as the oil/truck warms up. It's fall there, correct? What kind of temps are you seeing when this occurs?
Hopefully someone with more experience will chime in then. I'm not even going to guess.Its about 75 outside. I dont have a EBPV and it wasnt doing it for a good 1/2 hour before the runs and the truck was totally warm through that time. I had done a few quick burst before I started the runs. You can hear the wheel wind down when you turn it off and it sounds fine. Just took my filter off and stuck my hand up there and the wheel is tight. Also did another leak down test and its holding pressure.
If it's howling like a police siren then it's shot. Wheel to housing contact, out of balance, oil pressure loss, or any of a number of things could have been the cause, but if it's all of a sudden started howling like a siren, stop and just ease around because you probably need a new CHRA, and no sense filling your intercooler with pieces of that new wheel if you pushed through after it loses thrust control.
Hopefully this isn't the case.
ive never heard of a turbo changing tone the more you drive it. might wanna reach in there and inspect shaft play agian just to be sure.. side to side while spinning it by hand and in and out...
Done it bro post # 167.
Now the reason for this witch hunt was my original dyno run where I was struggling to get 400HP. And that # was achieved on my Economy tune. The other All Out and Street tunes were worse.
Spoke to Matt and the questions were raised regarding Boost - Fuel and HPOP.
Now when I did the dyno I didnt have AE running so there wasnt really much I could tell him. Here is another run I did this morning. With that and the other runs I have attached, do you think those aspects have been answered.
I dont want to book the dyno if Im not ready.
Here is the original dyno sheet to jog your memories. And this mornings run is attached
That looks a lot better... ICP is only slightly low but not leaving 100hp on the table low. It should pull pretty hard on that run.
Have you run it on the street or at the track? You need to get a baseline on the street to see where boost is and such. That way when it makes 10lbs less boost on the dyno you'll know it wasn't loaded properly.
I'm glad you understand. I would think street runs are where it's at. They are much more real than dyno runs. Just less "controlled".All that AE data is running on the street, but I understand what you are saying Matt.