I am also contemplating HIDS, thinking of doing the full projector replacement. I'm also thinking that some amber dually's in place of the fogs.
What's the biggest light bar you can fit I between the tow hooks? 30 or 20?
i was gonna ditch my tow hooks and realized they were welded, i really like this, i may have to try this. looks like you're gonna have some copy cats !!! sorry. looks awesome.
I put a 40" Rigid behind my grill. Now I'm thinking I need one in the bumper too! These things are sweet.
yeah I realized this after removing the first one then it was "macguyver time"
How hard is the swap? Who know of and how to's?
I am also contemplating HIDS, thinking of doing the full projector replacement. I'm also thinking that some amber dually's in place of the fogs.
I would totally do that if i was still factory! Its super clean.
I have 2 40" rigids in my road armor now and u can see tomorrow with them lol
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