OBS F350
New member
^Ya traveling outside of NYS is a possibility...
I'm doing the mods/tranny work at the same exact time, I'll be driving 20miles @ most w/ the stock tranny before I install the trans mods. I have steel cut gears stock, and will be doing a good VB and TC, combined with good tuning.
I would say have at it then, from my experience with my OBS, 160's were great, they kept me happy at 17. It made great power, which I mean is nothing compared to my 6.4 or 6.0. But in all honesty I would love to get back into an OBS if it was the same setup as my last one. Might just be because it was my first truck, but I would much rather DD that then my other trucks ATM. Maybe when I get older and don't want to listen to it rattle and have a real smooth ride my opinion will change. But I always have an itch to go out and buy another OBS.
As everyone has said before, you might as well go big if you have plans for good power, don't want to buy injectors then 2 months down the road be thinking man I should have gone bigger. Do it once and be done