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Want to test on a truck with twin pumps, 60's, bigger turbos? Once my engines done I'll be using 150s, max powers, and twin pumps. Hook me up.
Want to test on a truck with twin pumps, 60's, bigger turbos? Once my engines done I'll be using 150s, max powers, and twin pumps. Hook me up.
Are you going to be putting out anything in the range of a 450-500HP tune? I only run lower tunes(mainly out of fear), but have always heard good things about your tunes for other trucks.
Edit: Oh, and also are these tunes going to be something you can email to me, or will I need to send in the Livewire?
Wow very nice and smooth with little smoke. Top end power for sure.
I have a couple days of driving the SRL tune and I think its a good daily driver tune that has little or no smoke under normal driving conditions. I get a good stream when I get hard on the throttle. Up until I tried this tune I was running IDP x street and x race. The x race is a smokey SOB but is by far more powerful. The SRL and the X sreet are real close power wise with the SRL tune clean on the low end and smokey on top, where as x street was smokey low end but cleans up on top to just a haze. The x street has givin me the best mpg. I think gearhead is sending me another tune to try out.
Yes I hand calculate.are you hand calc'ing the mileage? my mileage readout is correct and may read lower than other tunes for that reason.
What about some video recordings of the LW screen monitoring EGT's, Fuel Pressure, TC Slip, Boost, Backpressure, etc. from you beta testers?
Well some not so good news, I was driving the SRL tune hard this morning to get a good feel for the power before I load the Hot tune and my truck puked alot of coolant. So I wont be loading the Hot tune. I went back to Xstreet and no puking. Do I have a blown head gasket?