New member
Thanks Wayne. And both of my pant legs were rolled up when I got pulled over.... LOL My pants have zippers up the sides, and if I dont roll them, the zippers get yanked apart. Well, that, and people (read: cops) usually think that it is cool, and let me go... LOL That is the worst one so far... Ill try not to get any higher, as I dont feel like testing the waters with a triple digit ticket.... LOL97, and you got a warning:wtf: It seems like they hit me as hard as they can every time I get pulled over. I hope your truck runs right this time around. I'll be crossing my fingers for ya:thumbup:
LOL I wish it were that easy... LOL When I grow my beard out after I retire, Ill dye it auburn, and tell em I m Chuck Norris' bastard child or something... And I dont need legs... LOLI'm still betting he got a warning because when the officer asked for his info he just looked at him and said I'm chris mother****n Corbin and the guy apologized and sent him on his way! Haha