Yes. The owner of the shop and his head mech both had them in and switched over to a 5spd and 6spd allison. Said they would not go back. Just a better platform.
Sound judgement. The 6.4 is a very capable engine with a good aftermerket. If you were going to do it to just have something different I would say go for it. That's why I swapped mine, but the CR conversion is just too costly for what you get.
What let go with your engine? It might be worth while to rebuild it with some upgraded parts.
Likely piston 7 and potentially #2 also. Haven't had it looked at yet as it may get warrantied so I'm going to try that first. If not, it would be nice if my block is still ok, I'll throw IH pistons in, new springs and pushrods, studs and if budget allows I'll throw on a set of tow powers and leave it at that.
You'd have a screaming mean 6.4 for the same amount taken to put in a CR Cummins. Have a truck here the owner is worried about since hes going from a 325 CHP 6.0 to a 160HP 12v....needless to say he could of had an easy 600hp 6.0 for what hes dumped into this 12V and considering it was a project him and a friend had "started" just made the labor go up quite a bit lol.
We are swapping a 12v into an 08 for my brother. He bought the truck with a blown engine and had already has 90% of the parts for the swap. He was originally swapping it into an 02 but found this truck fairly cheap. He also is shooting for 4 digit power. So byt the time he would spend the money rebuilding the 6.4 and all the goodies he would have had a lot in it. He already has a bts 4r, finishing the build of the 12v has the adaptors and pcs, so why not. I tried to get him to stay 6.4 and sell the 12v stuff but he loves his other fummins.