Recently I have been experiencing some problems with my clutch, which is a south bend single disk. As the transmission comes up to temp its difficult to get in to gear from a stop. The hotter it gets the more difficult it gets to put into gear. I've tried a number of different fluids. I finally settled on redline mt-85. It helped but still didn't fix the problem completely. Then I check the master cylinder rod end for play and it was still tight. At this point I thought the only fix was a new clutch. So I bit the bullet and bought a south bend dual disc. The clutch kit was delivered today. As I was reading through the instructions before install this weekend. I notices the kit included a "reinforcement clutch pedal bracket". I decided to install cause I wanted to see if it would make a noticable difference before I installed the new clutch. Bingo! It fixed the issue. Easy install, it took me about an hour from start to finish. I thought I would share so the fix might give some one more life out of their clutch. I think its only for the 6.0 and 6.4 guys but someone could use the concept in other applications, Maybe? Heres a pic of the bracket installed. I wish I would have done a write up with pics but didn't think of it until I experienced how well it worked. Sorry for the long read.