7.3 Died and Won't Restart

Black 02

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Jun 4, 2012
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Woodland, WA
Hello All,

My saga continues....

After quite some time, getting married, dealing with family issues and etc, I finally had a chance to get my engine in my truck. Fired it up last. Romped a little and then started to smooth out. Shut down, checked for leaks, and topped off the fluids. Restarted it and switched the hydra to a high idle setting while it warmed up. Ran at 1200 RPM for about 5 minutes while I was looking for leaks. Switched the hydra back to the "stock-ish" setting and it died. Will not restart.

What I know to no avail:
Swapped CPS.
Unplugged ICP sensor
Unhooked Hydra from PCM
Checked fuses.
Fuel Pressure at 68 PSI
Buzz Test Sounded OK
WTS light comes on and goes out.
No check engine light
IPR nut tight

Hooked up AE... 0 psi ICP when cranking. Duty cycle climbs to like 90%. Checked voltage at the IPR pig tail and it was like 12.8V.

Any ideas? Stuck IPR? I have a Clifford alarm system, but it's not armed, so I don't think it's preventing the truck from running. Just odd that it died when changing tunes and won't restart.

Any help is greatly appreciated!


Jan 10, 2017
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When cranking, there must be icp. No icp = bad ipr, bad hpop, leaking injectors/oring.

Even with leaking o-ring, you still will produce pathetic ICP Pressure.

This leads me to say your pump has issues. Just a guess but it wouldn’t hurt to check the other parameters I listed

~Don’t overthink something simple~
...:uptight people suck:...

Black 02

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Jun 4, 2012
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Woodland, WA
HPOP reservoir is full.

Removed IPR and took it apart even though it's fairly new. Seemed clean. Resistance of 10 ohms sounds in the ball park. Put back in and tried again and got the same thing.

Crank for 20 seconds or more and it builds Low Pressure (dash gauge and mechanical gauge). Duty Cycle climbs to 94%. ICP flickered a couple times to 0.57 psi, but that was it.

RPM cranking is almost 200.

Unhooked ICP and still nothing.

Sounds like I may need to block off the lines to the head and crank and see if the HPOP builds any pressure. It's a twin terminator set that Joey just finished working on for me. Back pump was bad, so he repaired it.

Odd thing is truck ran for almost 10 minutes before this.

Only died when I changed tunes. To rule out the hydra, I pulled it from the PCM and still nothing.

If I didn't have bad luck, I'd have no luck at all it seems.

Black 02

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Jun 4, 2012
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Woodland, WA
I can double check the voltage, but I know it's over the 10.5V required. Battery charger is on it when cranking and they are fairly new batteries.

IPR stuck should give some residual ICP, not 0.0 psi is seems. IPR only has about 5000 miles on it. Took apart last night and everything seemed super clean.

Golfer (Dave) mentioned to me that the vref sensors can cause issues. Unhooked the EBPS, but it didn't work.

Just cranks and cranks. 0.0 ICP with duty cycle climbing to almost 95%. Seems odd that the pump would have died or the bolt holding the gear came loose at the same time I changed a tune from high idle to stock on the hydra.

PCM should be OK if I can connect to it, read data, and get codes, right?


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May 25, 2011
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Central Michigan
I can double check the voltage, but I know it's over the 10.5V required. Battery charger is on it when cranking and they are fairly new batteries.

IPR stuck should give some residual ICP, not 0.0 psi is seems. IPR only has about 5000 miles on it. Took apart last night and everything seemed super clean.

Golfer (Dave) mentioned to me that the vref sensors can cause issues. Unhooked the EBPS, but it didn't work.

Just cranks and cranks. 0.0 ICP with duty cycle climbing to almost 95%. Seems odd that the pump would have died or the bolt holding the gear came loose at the same time I changed a tune from high idle to stock on the hydra.

PCM should be OK if I can connect to it, read data, and get codes, right?
Not necessarily.. still could be messed up.. If you can monitor icp then see if you can find commanded icp..

live life full throttle

Magnum PD

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May 18, 2011
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The HPOP just isn’t working so take the little access cover to the HPOP gear bolt off and make sure it’s turning

Black 02

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Jun 4, 2012
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Woodland, WA
OK, I'll have to look in the AE to see if it can monitor commanded ICP.

I'd bet $100 that the gear is tight. I remember specifically torquing it because I was trying to torque it and keep the gear from spinning by myself.

Too much of a coincidence that I changed tunes on the Hydra and the truck died and won't start. Seems more electrical related to me then mechanical. Really thinking about getting a new IPR.

Thanks to all for the input thus far. It is appreciated.

Black 02

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Jun 4, 2012
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Woodland, WA
I read on thedieselstop that someone else had the same issues and their HPOP gear bolt was loose (as suggested by others). I doubt it's loose, but I'm gonna check it.

On the gear side, that drains back to pan, right. There isn't any standing oil in there? I don't need to pump the reservoir down to remove the access cover, right?

I'll check the gear to make sure it isn't loose. I'll eat a shiz pot of crow if it is.

Black 02

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Jun 4, 2012
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Woodland, WA
Well, I feel it's best to give a conclusion to these threads. I can't count how many posts I went through search for a solution on the different forums and no resolution was provided.

My $100 was safe. The gear was torqued per spec.

It was the IPR. I had my wife crank the engine and I tapped on the IPR. When I did, the ICP came up. Luckily I had stopped tonight at Ford and had a new one. Put it in and it fired right up.

I have an oil leak near the rear main (I know they rarely leak) that drips about 1 drip every 5 seconds. Can't figure out exactly where it's coming from. Irritating, but least the truck is running.

One thing at a time.

Thanks for all of you help.


Nov 18, 2017
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Usually a "leak at the rear main seal" is actually oil from the hpop that accumulates in the valley and drains back.


Well-known member
May 25, 2011
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Central Michigan
Well, I feel it's best to give a conclusion to these threads. I can't count how many posts I went through search for a solution on the different forums and no resolution was provided.

My $100 was safe. The gear was torqued per spec.

It was the IPR. I had my wife crank the engine and I tapped on the IPR. When I did, the ICP came up. Luckily I had stopped tonight at Ford and had a new one. Put it in and it fired right up.

I have an oil leak near the rear main (I know they rarely leak) that drips about 1 drip every 5 seconds. Can't figure out exactly where it's coming from. Irritating, but least the truck is running.

One thing at a time.

Thanks for all of you help.
Every time you pull out the ipr, oil gets down in the valley and you cant ever get it all back out without using lots of brake cleaner or oil eater and keep flushing it. I would hose it down with a case of brake cleaner and see if there is still anything dripping after a couple hundred miles. Maybe spray it with brake cleaner a few times in between. Rear main leaks on a 7.3 are very very very rare.

live life full throttle

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